➛⠀𝟭𝟵 | 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗔𝗟𝗔

545 31 42

As you all entered the gala, you kept your head low to avoid the flashes of the cameras around you. You were grateful that you were only slightly inebriated, and you washed the booze away with plenty of water. 'Maybe this wasn't a good idea.' You told yourself as you flinched when there was a camera near you that had a flash on. Molly held your hand for comfort and slightly nudged you. "Hey, I think I saw a Kardashian," Molly whispered to you and Gert. "Definitely recognized the butt."

You cracked a smile while Gert rolled her eyes. "The red carpet is just another commodification of the so-called beauty industry and fashion designers who exploit garment workers and promote negative body images," Gert stated.

Molly stared at her sister for a moment before grinning. "Seriously, you look amazing. You're impressing everyone here."

You nodded in agreement. "It's true. I would take you out on a date right now."

Gert smirked. "I guess one step-and-repeat wouldn't hurt." Molly giggled and wrapped her arms around you and Gert. "Come on, let's go."

As the seven of you glanced at your parents, who were posing for the cameras, you, Gert, and Molly stood beside the others. You wrapped your arms with your hands and inhaled deeply. As he glanced at his parents, Alex shook his head. "Everybody here thinks our parents are the heroes."

"Not after tonight." You muttered.

"I hope they enjoy it," Gert stated. "It'll be the last fun they have for a while."

"If they go to prison, it'll be hard to talk to them, right?" Molly asked.

Karolina shrugged. "I'm not too worried."

You cast a glance at Nico, who was frowning, while Molly locked her gaze on Catherine Wilder. When someone tapped you on the shoulder, you flinched. You initially assumed it was one of your friends until you realized it was a different guy your age. He had his hair pulled back and was dressed in a blue tuxedo. "Hi." He greeted. "I'm, um, Adam."

You didn't know what to say. Molly noticed the young man and lightly tapped your shoulders, cheering you. "Her name's (Y/n)!" Molly introduced you to the man.

"(Y/n)?" Adam asked with a small smirk. "What a pretty name."

"I-I, uh, thanks..." You stuttered. Alex and Nico turned around to listen to your conversation with Adam. "C-Can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you could join me grab a glass of champagne," Adam suggested with a friendly smile. "I promise I'll return you back to your friends as soon as possible."

Alex tightened his jaw, unsure why he was bothered and irritated in the first place. Maybe it's because his parents are having the time of their life, acting like heroes rather than murderers? Or was it simply because you were conversing with a dashing stranger?

Molly nudged you closer to Adam, making you yelp. You sent her a short glare before looking back at Adam. "Um, sure. I could use some drink." You swallowed the lump forming on your throat for how tense you were.

As he led you to the beverages, Adam extended his arm, and you gratefully put your hand around it. Alex scoffed faintly and averted his gaze. 'Why should I care?' He tried to concentrate on his parents, but he would steal glances to where you are and saw you smiling when Adam told a short story.

"Looks like (Y/n) found herself a date," Nico noted with a small smile. "About time. I don't want her nestled in her room all day."

"You're not against it?" Alex asked. "I mean, that Adam guy is a stranger."

Nico shrugged. "She's capable of her own, Alex. Besides, if that man ever does something bad to (Y/n), I'm sure we'll kick his ass."

Alex nodded, glaring at Adam in full confidence. "Hell yeah, we are."

You were too preoccupied with your talk with Adam to notice how many hours had passed. You've learned a little about him and his life, and you genuinely feel he was a decent person.

"Wait, so you also attended Midtown Science & Technology?" You gasped.

"You did too?"

"Yeah, for a short while." You beamed. "Do you know a Michelle Jones there? She was the only friend I ever had in that school."

"Oh, I think I have heard of her." Adam chuckled. "She always hangs out with that Parker guy and Ned, yeah?"

You nodded vigorously. "Peter and Ned used to hang out with me sometimes. God, I miss them." You exhaled.

"Then you must be super smart if you hang out with those guys."

"Nah, not really."

Before attending Atlas Academy, you were in New York to resume your education with Tina and Robert's permission. You unwillingly returned to Los Angeles when they needed you close by so they could keep an eye on you. You wouldn't consider Peter, Ned, and Michelle to be your best friends considering you rarely see each other due to your hectic schedules.

"You never really told me about yourself," Adam spoke up. "I want to know more about you."

You stifled a laugh and shook your head. "You, uh, don't want to know. Truthfully, I don't really know much about myself at the moment."

"I'm sure your family and your friends will be there to support you," Adam reassured. You glanced at your friends before sighing. "I feel like... a burden to them."

"What? Why would you think that?"

"I..." You shook your head and walked away, knowing you had spoken too much and were not prepared to be entirely open about your feelings to a stranger. "I don't know. I gotta go."

"Oh, sorry." Adam apologized. "If I made you uncomfortable with my questions, I—"

You froze in dread as a hand snaked around your waist, leaving you unable to determine who it was. "Hey, I'm going to snatch her back." You heard Alex's voice beside you. "Hope you had a lovely time with her."

Before Adam could speak, Alex pulled you away with his arm still wrapped around your waist. "It's go time," Alex informed, whispering it in your ear. "You ready?"

"I—what?" You stammered. "Ready for what exactly?"

"The plan."


You were brought to the group by Alex, and you witnessed Gert excuse Karolina to speak with her. Nico greeted you with a smile and a teasing tap on the arm. "I saw how that Adam guy looks at you, (Y/n). Did he give you his number?"

Alex frowned while you chuckled lightly. "No, we didn't get to that part yet." You told Nico while Alex glanced at Gert and Karolina. Karolina called out to Chase to join her grab some drinks, leaving Gert annoyed. "Come on."

You furrowed your eyebrows when you noticed that Alex was still holding your waist. 'Does he not notice that I'm not Nico?' Nico followed beside you, still unbothered with what was going on, but a bit distracted with her thoughts.

"Okay, we four are Operation Tina Server Room," Alex stated quietly to Gert as he handled his bag with care. Alex cringed and flicked his head to the side after hearing what he had just said. "I'm not great at code names. I'm working on it."

You chuckled and rolled your eyes playfully, earning a grin of triumph from Alex. Alex turned to Gert. "You ready?"

"Born ready," Gert replied as she glared in the direction where Karolina and Chase went. "Let's rock this bitch."

Alex freed his arm and led the way with Nico, much to your relief and slight dismay. Gert strolled beside you until she realized something, nudging you a bit. "Where's Molly?

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