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While his friends listened to what your doctor had to say concerning your situation, Alex was staring at you in disbelief. Nico informed everyone right away that you were still unresponsive and unconscious. Tina insisted on having your medical attention in your bedroom rather than taking you to a hospital, so Alex and the others arrived at Minoru's mansion right away.

Molly was biting her lips in nervousness as she glanced at her best friend. "This is all my fault." She sobbed quietly. "I-I should've told you guys sooner, but she didn't want me to..."

"What are you talking about?" Chase asked.

The doctor cleared his throat. "As I was saying..." He began explaining again. "Her body is extremely susceptible to the illness. Has she been eating and sleeping at the proper times every day?" He asked Nico's parents.

Tina and Robert glanced at each other. "Well, we can see her eating, but... we are not that sure now," Robert replied in full truthfulness. "About her sleep schedule, we definitely have no clue because she keeps on locking her door. We couldn't check on her."

"Ms. Minoru will be unconscious until her body determines she has had enough sleep. She's really weary and exhausted. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me as soon as she wakes up." The doctor instructed.

Tina and Robert thanked the doctor as they escorted the man out of the house, while Nico walked towards Alex, standing beside him. "She's getting worse." Nico sighed. "She wasn't like this before. Or... well, not worse than before."

Alex sat on a chair that was beside you and examined your face. "What do you think happened?"

"I had to hide this so my mom and dad wouldn't see. I don't want them hiding stuff from me again." Nico pulled out your necklace from her pocket and gave it to Alex. "Any clue of what that is?"

Alex glanced around, so no one could notice, before observing the cracked gem that had drained out of color, but with a slight hue of red. "It's fully cracked? This was blue before."

"Wow, you know it so well."

"She kept on clutching it for comfort," Alex explained. "I noticed that after I met her." Alex brought the broken pendant closer. "Looks like a normal necklace to me."

Nico grabbed a chair and sat beside Alex. "If it was normal, why did it crack at the same we found her unconscious on the floor? She might have broke it but... I feel like there's something else."

Alex nodded. "Yeah, you're onto something." He kept your necklace in his pocket. "I'll research more of this later. Maybe you can try and find out where (Y/n) came from after your parents adopted her." He looked back at you worriedly. "I heard she doesn't remember anything from her childhood."

"Then I'll try to sneak on my mother's office again. Or I'll check their bedroom." Nico replied. Alex and Nico turned around when they heard their friends' bombarding Molly with questions.

"What do you mean this is all your fault?"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Is (Y/n) dying?"

"Guys, guys!" Alex calmly stepped between them. "Let the girl breathe and explain."

Molly shakily took a deep breath as Gert rubbed her shoulders to ease her. "Well, before she transferred to Atlas Academy, she told me she has powers," Molly stated. "But (Y/n) and I only know that she can only cast illusions and not have the ability to float men in the air using their mind."

Alex crossed his arms, invested in what Molly was saying. "Has her powers always harm her in some ways?"

Molly played with her fingers, reluctant to tell everything. "W-Well..." She sucked in a deep breath. "She always uses her powers to make herself happy. She casts illusions of the old shows she watches or rare happy dreams."

"That doesn't seem harmful," Karolina replied.

Molly shook her head. "It's not about what she creates in her illusions. It's about how she uses her powers."

"What does she do?" Nico asked, full of concern.

Molly bit her lip. '(Y/n), please don't kill me.' She internally screamed at herself. "She needs to cast small illusions. By small, I mean a human-sized or maybe an ant-sized illusion, and she should cast it in a limited time."

Nico's breathing hitched when she understood what Molly was trying to say. "(Y/n)'s using her powers every single day... that's why she looks so sick. It's draining her, and she never had a proper rest."

Molly nodded. "I tried to scold her and warn her, but... she doesn't listen. I-I don't want to lose her, Nico. She's my best friend!" Gert pulled Molly to her arms, embracing her in comfort, while Molly clung to her as she quietly wept.

Karolina looked at your unconscious self and approached you. "Do you think she's in a good dream?"

Chase stood next to her while Nico and Alex followed behind. "I hope so. From Molly's story, I think she's been through enough."

"Then we have to do something." Alex declared. "Help her get better. I know we barely know her but... she's our friend now. She even helped us the night I was captured."

Alex stood by your side and placed his hand on your shoulder. "She's part of the group now. She'll need every love and support from us."

The others nodded in agreement. Nico's phone started vibrating, and she saw a notification from her mother. "I gotta go, but... I can't leave (Y/n) here."

"I can stay," Alex suggested. "I'll watch her until you come back."

Nico smiled in relief and gave Alex a hug. "Thank you." Karolina looked away and turned around to leave the room, and Chase followed her. Molly raised her hand. "I-I can watch her too! Alex and I can take turns."

Alex nodded. "Sure. Thanks, Molls." He smiled at Molly as he and Nico pulled away from the hug. Gert and Molly left the room, and Nico approached the door. "I'll see you later, Alex."

"See you later." Alex smiled.

Before shutting the door, Nico gave you one more look. Alex sighed deeply and returned to the chair where he had previously sat, pulling your necklace out from his pocket. "Let's see what this is." He was glad he had packed his laptop, and he began searching the internet for information about the necklace and what it was made of.

After a few hours of investigation, Alex finally found something similar to your necklace. "Huh... that's odd..."

"What's odd?"

Alex flinched in surprise and looked at you, finally awake. "Oh, my God!" Alex gasped in relief. "You're awake!" His smile disappeared. "You're awake. I have to call the doctor and your parents—"

"No!" You grabbed his wrist to prevent him from standing up. "I'm fine." You sat up and ignored the pain roaming around your body. "You guys are worrying about nothing."

"About nothing?" Alex questioned. "Nico and your mother found you lying unconscious here. You were barely breathing. Of course, we would be worried."

You shrugged as if it was no big deal before changing the subject when you spotted your necklace on Alex's grasp. "Why do you have that?"

"Nico gave it to me to look up where it was from."

"What did you see?"

Alex glanced down at your necklace before turning his laptop to show you what he found. "This necklace... it was hard to find, so I had to look deeper and found..."

"Sokovia." You breathed, staring at Alex's laptop screen. "The necklace was from Sokovia."

"Its capital city was destroyed, right?" Alex asked for verification. "How did you get your hands on this?"

You reached your hand out to hold the necklace, your fingers touching Alex's palm. "Someone gave it to me while I was there." You clutched on your broken necklace and looked at Alex. "I remember, Alex."

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