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"Nico?" As you neared your sister's room, you called out to her. After seeing her door was slightly ajar, you entered her room and found her adjusting and styling her hair. Nico ceased her actions and looked in the mirror at you. "You're dressed early. Did Alex need you that bad?"

You shrugged. "He said the decrypting the file should finish in a day if we start early." You fidgeted with your fingers in nervousness. "I was wondering if you want to accompany me? I-I'm not that close to Alex, and you two are a thing-"

Nico slightly scoffed. "We are not a thing."

"But you two like each other."

Nico stared at you for a moment through her mirror and pushed her lips out as she thought. "I guess so. We didn't really made it official? I don't know. It's complicated." She murmured before shaking her head. "Anyway, I think you should go. I'll see you later at school."

You were going to leave Nico's room when you came to a halt near the door and raced over to her, embracing her from behind. Nico was taken aback and placed her arms on top of yours, a little startled. "What is this all about?" She chuckled.

"Nothing." You replied. "I just wanted to hug you. I've been wanting to do that after learning you were going to be my sister."

Nico's heart melted, and she turned around, hugging you tight. "What did I do to deserve you?"

You let out a small giggle as you buried your face on her shoulder. Nico patted your head and pulled away. "Okay, go on. Alex is probably waiting for you. I'll see you later."

"See you later, sis!" You beamed before leaving the room. As you called for a Lyft, Nico sighed heavily as she stared at her door, reminiscing her times with her older sister Amy. "I wish you could've met her..." Nico whispered. "I'm sure you two would have a great time together."

You got in the car, and the driver drove off while you scrolled through your phone's gallery. You zoomed in on the image of your adoption papers and studied the names of the twins who had adopted you as a sibling. "Wanda and Pietro Maximoff..." You whispered before exiting the app and pressing the music app.

You came to a halt and pondered for a moment. You left the app and quickly went to WizSearch. WizSearch was able to discover some information about Pietro Maximoff after you typed his name.

When you saw an obituary for him, your heart sank, and you rushed to the website. It was right there. You discovered that 177 people were killed after Sokovia's capital city, Novi Grad, was destroyed, including your first adoptive brother, Pietro. Your eyes welled up with tears, and you quickly covered your mouth with your hand to contain a sob. "Oh, God..." You whispered.

Too much for you to bear, you turned your phone off and leaned your head back to your seat as tears streamed down your face. You let out a sad smile when a few memories with you and Pietro were resurfacing.

"Ah, you and Wanda kept on watching these sitcoms, huh? How about let's have some fun together, just me and you?"

"No sitcoms?"

"No sitcoms."

When you eventually arrived at the Wilders' mansion, you suppressed a laugh and wiped your tears away. You thanked the driver as soon as you got out of the car. You spotted Geoffrey seeing you from the living room, and when he saw you approaching, he immediately opened the door. "(Y/n)!" He smiled. "What a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was invited by Alex." You told him. "I-Is he here?"

"Oh, yeah." Geoffrey cleared his throat. "Please, come in."

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