Chapter 05. Think about the future

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Chapter 05.
Think about the future

10 years ago...

One sunny summer morning, Kazuha arrived at the Kamisato Estate again, as he had already done a couple of times after that first encounter with Ayaka. The idea was that he would be making these visits regularly to spend time with the young Kamisato. They both get to know each other better and see how they got along at the end of all that. That was apparently one of the conditions that the head of the Kamisato Clan had imposed to accept the engagement between the next leader of the Kaedehara family and his younger sister.

It was unusual for a lord to take practical "playdates" of two children as a basis for deciding whether or not to engage one of his vassals. Usually, political and economic interests went above mundane things like "getting along." But Kamisato Ayato was not the typical lord, and not only because of his youth. After all, it was very likely that he and his sister had a closer and more special relationship than many parents usually have with their daughters when they find them a husband.

Perhaps if his father had lived, he would have accepted the marriage proposal from the beginning. However, Ayato wanted to obtain from all this something more than the promise of dozens of skilled swordsmen at his service and a solid financial backing. He wanted to be sure that the person who married his dear sister was indeed the one for her.

And, at least for the moment, everything seemed to be going well. Ayaka seemed in a good mood when receiving visits from Kazuha, and the two seemed to get along well. But of course, they were still just two eight-year-olds playing and having a good time. Being the heads and representatives of a clan was a different job that Ayaka had been rigorously preparing for some time now.

Therefore, unlike that first day, the following times that Kazuha arrived at the Kamisato Estate, he almost always found Ayaka sitting in a room full of books and scrolls, which she meticulously reviewed. At the same time, in a notebook placed on a small work table, she took some notes.

That occasion was no exception. However, that morning the Heron Princess (though she hadn't yet earned that name) was so focused on what she was doing that she didn't even feel the boy's presence at the room's open sliding doors.

Kazuha hesitated a bit as to whether he should interrupt her or not. Instead, he approached, hoping that she eventually would realize that he was there.

She didn't.

Even when he sat right next to her, little Ayaka continued to focus on the book before her, her brow furrowed and her face thoughtful, and perhaps even a little concerned.

Kazuha tilted his face over Ayaka's shoulder to look at the book. He only managed to catch a couple of words before the girl was finally aware of his presence, turned slowly towards him, and suddenly startled, throwing a little scream into the air.

"Ah, Kazuha! H-how long have you been here?"

"Just for a while," the young Kaedehara answered with a relaxed tone and a half-smile. "You were too focused on your studies again, right?"

"Yes...! I mean, yeah... sorry..."

The girl's face reddened utterly, and she went quickly to close the book and her notebook.

"Don't apologize," Kazuha denied slowly. "Whenever I come, you are busy with something, but you interrupt it to play with me. Doesn't it affect your plans that you're forced to spend time with me?"

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