Chapter 08. Just a dumb kid

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Chapter 08.
Just a dumb kid

Kazuha was beginning to realize that, perhaps, there were more unconscious reasons behind his reluctance to stand by Inazuma City all those years. Meeting two important people from his past on the same day seemed so unlikely that it could only happen there, like a bad joke from Archon Electro, taunting him from her throne above. Although, of course, he knew that he was an insignificant being among thousands in reality. A deity wouldn't lay its eyes on him and, on top of that, bother to annoy him.

That must have been just bad luck...

He couldn't remember precisely the last time he had seen Katsumoto, his former teacher, bodyguard, and, in a way, friend. His firm and commanding voice was still the same, but much about his appearance had changed. Who was always a proud, neat, and disciplined samurai, had in those moments a rough and unkempt appearance, not very different from the rest of the ronin that surrounded them in those moments.

But what impressed and intimidated Kazuha the most were his eyes. Katsumoto had always had an intense and deep gaze that inspired fear among his enemies and respect among his friends. But the eyes of the man before him had become darker and more aggressive. The kindness that Kazuha recognized so much in him, and that little eight-year-old Ayaka had also perceived on her first day of training, had simply disappeared completely.

"I see you at least still carry a sword with you," Katsumoto pointed out, lowering his gaze to Kazuha's side. Though his grip was no longer quite firm, the young man still had his hand placed against the hilt. "But if you had even a hint of honor, you would have used it long ago to end your own life. Or were you just too cowardly to even do that?"

"Katsumoto, what does this mean?" mumbled Kazuha seriously. "Why are you here? Why are you with these...?"

"With these, what?" settled Kastumoto sharply. "Ronin? Burglars? Bad guys? How do you plan to describe them, master Kazuha? Look at them, look at them well!" He then extended his arms to his companions. "Don't you recognize them? We were all once proud and honorable samurai at your service. We were all brave men you turned your back on, forcing us to become this."

Kazuha jumped, stupefied at hearing this. He swept his gaze over the dirty, shadowed faces. The darkness prevented him from fully appreciating them, but he did recognize some familiar traits in several of them.

Were they all...former samurai of the Kaedehara clan?

"Are you... the men the Tenryou Commission is looking for?" Kazuha questioned scathingly. "The assailants who have been targeting travelers?"

No one said anything, but silence proved to be answer enough.

"Why?!" Kazuha snapped, taking a step forward. "You all were honorable swordsmen and good people! How could you end up like this...?"

"And you still dare to ask?" snapped Katsumoto with irritation. "What other path do you think we could have taken? Marked with shame, fallen in disgrace, and forsaken by our lord..."

Kazuha felt that direct and sharp accusation, like a blow to the neck.

"I didn't want that to happen," the young wanderer murmured slowly. "But I could do nothing to fix things after what my father and uncle did. I was just a kid, and I really thought that going and freeing you would be the right thing to do. I didn't want you to be bound to serve a dead clan just by a simple old oath..."

"A simple old oath?" mumbled Katsumoto, almost as if those words were stuck in his throat. "I see it's been so many years, but you're still just a dumb kid, aren't you? The money, the properties, the prestige; all of that can be recovered with time and effort if you have the will to do so. But you ran away from all that; you ran away from your responsibilities and decided to take the easy way out without thinking about the consequences. Or is it that you have come back to rebuild your clan again? Are you here to make up for all the damage you and your family have caused?"

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