Chapter 07. A sword at the service of a cause

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Chapter 07
A sword at the service of a cause

10 years ago...

Although most of the time it was Kazuha who went to the Kamisato Estate to visit Ayaka, there were a few times when the roles were reversed, and the future Heron Princess had the opportunity to see her friend's (and fiancé's) house. And, of course, this was motivated by the desire to know his home and the people with whom he related when he was not with her. But one of the most important reasons was actually being able to train in the famous Kaedehara dojo.

As the two boys spent more time together, Ayaka heard more about the incredible skills of the Kaedehara clan's swordsmen, from Kazuha himself and from other people. And having started swordsmanship herself that year, around the same time as Kazuha, going and training with them was pretty tempting. Especially if she had the chance to clash swords directly with her friend and show him how much she had improved.

Ayaka's wish was fulfilled without much trouble on her first visit to the dojo. After the proper introductions, a bit of warming up, and exercises to loosen up the body, it was time for dueling practice. And, of course, the main event was the showdown between the two little trainees. They stood in the center of the combat area, facing each other, firmly holding the bamboo swords in front of them.

It was a little strange for Kazuha to see Ayaka's intense gaze and feel her fervent desire for combat. Of course, he already knew in advance that she had been practicing for several months already. Still, he had to admit that it was a bit difficult for him to relate the kind, sweet, smiling, and bookish young lady he had met up to that moment with a skilled swordswoman.

He understood how big his mistake was when the match began, and Ayaka launched herself without hesitation at him, wielding her training weapon with the point straight at her opponent's face. Kazuha quickly dodged that first attack, feeling the bamboo blade brush past her cheek by mere millimeters. Ayaka's subsequent three attacks against him had a similar result until Kazuha had the opportunity to cover himself with his respective weapon. Now he did take the initiative and fought back.

The next thing everyone else training that afternoon saw was those two kids moving with extraordinary agility and ferocity. None made clumsy or careless movements. In fact, they seemed quite aware of what they were doing, much more than some older students.

The confrontation lasted almost five uninterrupted minutes in which neither gave their arm to twist. Ayaka would attack, and Kazuha would dodge or cover. Kazuha attacked, and Ayaka followed suit, showing off movements so graceful they almost resembled a dance.

The fatigue little by little began to decrease their speeds, and tiny drops of sweat ran down both faces.

In the end, only one could strike the first blow.

After a series of consecutive attacks, both fighters separated, practically being in opposite corners. But neither stopped and as soon as their bare feet hit the wooden floor firmly enough, they lunged at each other again. Kazuha raised his sword above his head and brought it down hard in front, hoping to hit his opponent, who was heading straight for him with great speed. It seemed impossible that she could stop in time to avoid the strike. However, to the stunning eyes of Kazuha and the others present, Ayaka stood on one foot and quickly turned her entire body, using the sheer momentum it brought to not only dodge Kazuha's attack but also flip around him.

Kazuha barely managed to get out of his astonishment to turn to see her to the side. And yet he could only watch as Ayaka finished her full turn, pulling her sword towards him with all the acceleration it brought, hitting Kazuha hard in the back with it. And even if it was a bamboo sword, it still hurt.

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