Chapter 39. Start the Festival

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Chapter 39
Start the Festival

After almost a week of waiting, the first day of the cultural festival in Inazuma City has arrived. And although the official inauguration and the event would begin when the sun went down, the city's main street was already full of the different stalls the merchants had been preparing for days. People, some already dressed in their yukatas from so early, walked around the different corners of the city, taking a preview of all that would be offered to them that night. The center of the festival would be a large stage built right in front of the gates of the Tenshukaku, to one side where the Statue of the Omnipresent God stood. There it was promised that different dance and music shows would be presented that night, but for now, it was alone, protected by some Tenryou guards to ensure that no one got too close to it until the right time.

The stage was one of many points closely guarded by the purple-armored guards. In different parts of the city, especially on the main street, the guard made rounds, ensuring everyone behaved properly. They didn't expect any riots until tonight, and they hoped then it wouldn't be anything more severe than drunk guys being overjoyed, and they'd have to spend a night behind bars to calm down.

For better or worse, the entire city was overflowing with music, smells, and colors, but especially with joy. Positive energy hung in the air, and the source of all of it was the children and adults whose excitement for the festival to begin was only growing.

A little happiness at a time when many suffered uncertainty; it was just what they needed.

The one who still couldn't be a part of the festive excitement was Kazuha. In fact, he hadn't even set foot inside the city yet, so he still didn't know how all the decorations had turned out. Usually, festivals didn't grab his attention that much, except for the fact that it was easier to go unnoticed by the crowd. But that one was special, starting with the fact that Ayaka had organized it almost entirely. And when it came to her, he knew it would be beautiful. His only regret was that he couldn't stay long enough to enjoy it.

But before he could at least once walk the streets of Inazuma early that morning, he had to accompany Tomo to one more meeting with his contact at the same traveling teahouse down the road on the outskirts of town, where they had met him the previous times.

Kazuha kept a little distance, sitting at a table in the shade of the establishment's awning, apparently just sipping tea quietly but actually having his attention well-focused on everything around him. For his part, Tomo had taken a seat on the same outdoor bench as always, and it didn't take long for his contact to arrive and sit behind him. Like in the past occasions, they talked without looking at each other. There were no other customers at the moment, which made it easier for Kazuha to watch for any strange movement.

As planned, the delivery of the visions would take place that night, so that day, they should indicate the place and time for said meeting. Once they had the visions, Kazuha and Tomo would have to leave Inazuma immediately and head straight to Watatsumi for the delivery. Simple, at least in theory. However, although Kazuha couldn't hear what they were saying from his position, he could perceive that things didn't seem to be going well from the mere beginning of the conversation between Tomo and that individual.

And indeed, his deduction was more than correct.

"Cancel?" Tomo exclaimed, somewhat exalted, turning to see him over his shoulder, forgetting the discretion they were supposed to keep for a moment. "What do you mean by cancel?"

"I'm afraid tonight's delivery won't go through," the contact explained, saying basically the same thing he'd said before, albeit in different words. "Master Masakatsu apologizes for the inconvenience and asks that you please convey his apologies to Her Excellency Sangonomiya."

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