Chapter 24. Listen to all your stories

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Chapter 24
Listen to all your stories

Chisato retired shortly after that. There wasn't much more to talk about once they agreed on what the Hiiragi clan's daughter required, and they would see each other the next day, after all. Ayaka still wasn't sure how to feel about this girls' outing they had just arranged. She was especially a little uneasy about dealing with Kujou Sara in a more casual setting than she used to see her. Although at the same time, it caused her some curiosity. How would the adoptive daughter of the Kujou clan behave in such situations? How should she behave herself in such situations?

Maybe she didn't have to break her head too much with it. After all, her primary function would be to serve as some kind of intermediary between Chisato and Sara, and in that she had a bit more experience. And whatever it was, she had at least until tomorrow to think and decide on her strategy. For now, she had to put that matter aside and focus on something else.

Entering the tea house again, Ayaka was a little surprised to find it relatively quiet. Taroumaru was also not on the bar in the hall, which was strange but not entirely worrying either.

She quickly headed towards the same room where she had left Kazuha and the others. The door was open, and when she peeked inside, she was a little surprised to only see the young Kaedehara sitting on the other side of the table. The boy looked up at her as soon as he noticed her presence.

"Where are Thoma and your friend?" Ayaka asked curiously.

"I think Tama and the dog at the entrance are fighting again," Kazuha stated fairly calmly. "Although I suspect it was a maneuver by Tomo to leave us alone."

A very slight blush spread across Ayaka's cheeks upon hearing that. In effect, they were alone. And considering what they were going to talk about, it was better this way. Although she was a bit surprised that everything was so quiet if Taromaru and Tama were doing their thing out there. But she trusted that Thoma would see to it diligently.

"Did everything go well with that person who came to see you?" Kazuha asked with interest.

"Yes, everything is fine, don't worry," Ayaka answered tersely. She entered the room at that moment, carefully closing the door; now, they were truly alone. "If you agree, I wish we could talk about... the other topic."

"About what happened last night, isn't it?" Kazuha commented bluntly, taking Ayaka a bit by surprise that he could bring it up so casually. Still, the Kamisato kept her composure and only nodded slowly in response.

Ayaka sat down on the floor in front of the table, right in front of Kazuha's stall. She immediately assumed a firm stance, with her back straight, face serene, and hands resting delicately on her legs. That had been an involuntary act since it was a position that she would take before any official or representative of the three commissions, even before Chisato a while ago. But she wasn't sure exactly what position she should take towards Kazuha. He actually looked rather more relaxed.

Ayaka noticed at that moment that the table was empty. Apparently, they had already cleared away all the breakfast dishes. This made her realize that she was actually a little hungry. She only had in her stomach the tea she had drunk with Chisato, and it hadn't even been accompanied by any sweet.

"I..." the wandering swordsman suddenly stammered, capturing Ayaka's full attention. Kazuha had his head bowed towards her, respectfully. "I apologize if what I did and said made you uncomfortable or annoyed you in any way. I guarantee you that since I saw you again, the last thing I wanted was to bother you. But... if I can be honest, the truth is that I do not regret that I did that."

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