Chapter 26. Show your face after so long

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Chapter 26
Show your face after so long

Kazuha and Ayaka were silent as they walked out and away from the dojo. However, this did not last long because when they were already a safe distance, Kazuha asked the obligatory question, although its answer was obvious.

"That man lost his vision too, didn't him?" he murmured low as if it was a little secret just between the two of them. Ayaka responded by slightly nodding her head.

"It was recently. Before that time, Domon-sensei was one of the best swordsmen in all of Inazuma. But now, his mind has been wandering like that, still showing no signs of improvement. He mistakes people for individuals from his past and has become paranoid, declaring that they are coming for revenge. His students are so concerned about his behavior that they refuse to accept that it's just because of his vision and believe that he might be possessed by some demon."

"Is that why they seek the help of the Grand Narukami Shrine?"

"Yes," Ayaka muttered with regret in her voice. "But I'm afraid there's nothing the High Priestess or anyone else can do for him or any of the others suffering from the same situation. I've seen some get over it over time, but others..."

But others don't recover at all, Kazuha completed in his head, without Ayaka needing to say much more. He himself had also seen it on several of his trips, how the loss of their visions affected people in this way. It inevitably caused him a certain fear to imagine what kind of effect it could have on him.

Ayaka suddenly stopped without warning. Kazuha was a bit distracted at that last thought, so he took a couple of steps forward before realizing it and stopping as well. Turning towards his companion, she looked down at the ground.

"Kazuha," she murmured slowly without looking up. "You were there last night when Mr. Ouji lost control," he said suddenly, not making it clear whether it was a question or a statement. "What he said about the other members of the Three Commissions and me being immune to the Vision Hunt Decree..."

"You don't have to give me an explanation," Kazuha was quick to point out firmly.

"I know, but I want to. I don't want there to be any kind of resentment in your heart towards me."

That surprised him a bit. Was she worried that he might hold resentment against her for the fact that she could keep her vision while others like Tomo or him had to run away? Although he had to admit that he had come to think that the situation seemed unfair and contradictory to the discourse that the Raiden Shogun's government preached so much.

Ayaka heaved a deep sigh, then steeled herself to look up again and meet her friend's face.

"The truth is that we have been forgiven of having our visions taken away for the moment. To me, my brother, General Kujou, and many other members of the Tri-Commission. Even Thoma. All in order to have greater power to enforce the will of the Almighty Shogun. But this is a temporary thing. It has never been officially decreed, but we all know that sooner or later, the Shogun will ask all of us to surrender our visions as well; voluntarily or by force, as the case may be. It has already happened to some people, even within the Tenryou Commission itself. So as hard as it is to see right now, we're all in the same position on this."

That was the thing, then. The Shogun allowed her most loyal servants to hold their visions only as long as necessary. It sounded logical. After all, it would be tough for an army without any vision to enforce the decrees. But knowing that the future situation is as Ayaka commented, there was an obvious question to ask. A question that had already crossed his mind earlier that day, but only until now did he dare to utter it directly.

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