Chapter 10. Of course, I remember him

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Chapter 10
Of course, I remember him

As Ayaka suggested, she and Thoma took advantage of Commissioner Hiiragi's departure to travel with him, his men, and the Tenryou guards to Inazuma. Altogether they formed a large and striking cortege, one any raider would think twice about doing something crazy with.

Ayaka had to go riding. A Tenryou commission soldier very kindly gave her his horse while he would continue on foot. At first, she tried to refuse, but she didn't want to be rude and despise the soldier's kindness. Maybe she'd only take it for a while.

"Are you sure you don't want us to switch and ride the palanquin for a bit, Ayaka?" Chisato suggested, whose transport was being carried by two Hiiragi Clan guards. She leaned out, pushing aside the curtain.

"No, don't worry, Chisato," Ayaka replied with a good-natured smile from her steed. "I don't mind riding or walking at all."

Chisato sighed heavily with some regret.

"You make me feel guilty for not having such a good physical condition and depending on others to be able to travel such long distances..."

"Don't say that, Miss Chisato!" the soldier at the front of the palanquin exclaimed quickly, turning to look at her over his shoulder. "It's no problem for us to help you, really!"

Chisato smiled slightly at him upon hearing his words.

"Always so attentive, Shinnojou; thank you," the noblewoman replied gently, and a slight blush crept onto the young soldier's cheeks. "At least it's a nice day, right?"

"Yes, the weather is nice," Ayaka replied with a subtle nod.

Chisato settled back inside the palanquin and hid behind its curtain. Ayaka let out a small sigh of relief. She wasn't sure she could have kept up with her if Chisato wanted to talk more. It was a bit exhausting being around all these people and pretending everything was normal when it wasn't. Inside she felt anxiety that made her heart race. But she had to stand her ground and not let anyone find out.

Although, of course, it was already a little late because someone had already noticed from the moment she had gone to ask authorization for that trip.

"Lady Ayaka," she suddenly heard Thoma's voice pronounce next to her, making her jump a little. Turning to her right side, she spotted the servant walking alongside the horse. He carried his spear on his back and his travel bag on one shoulder. Despite the load, he walked normally and at the horse's pace.

"Thoma, is something wrong?" the young Kamisato murmured slowly, smiling nonchalantly at him.

"No, actually," Thoma denied, shaking his head. Then he took a quick look at the rest of the people around them, ensuring no one was close enough before commenting on what he really wanted to say. "I don't want to be too intrusive, but we both know that the festival business we went to last time was successfully concluded."

"Well..." Ayaka muttered nervously, turning away. Her fingers tightened on the reins.

"Under other circumstances, I'd guess it's one of those other things you've been working on lately," the servant cautiously said. "But that wouldn't explain your reluctance to have me come with you... unless this is something that overwhelms your trust in me."

"It's not because of that! I promise you!" Ayaka hurried to clarify, perhaps raising her voice a little too much.

She quickly brought a hand to her mouth to cover it, embarrassed by her outburst. She looked around, and no one seemed to have noticed it or was disturbed. She breathed slowly, trying to calm down and respond to her friend more serenely.

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