Chapter 06. Someone I hurt

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Chapter 06
Someone I hurt

Ayaka and Chisato headed together to Ayaka's room, where Koharu, one of the housemaids, was already waiting for them to help Lady Kamisato to change her clothes. She had already prepared Ayaka's blue kimono with pink patterns on the bottom that resembled cherry blossoms; ideal and comfortable to wear at home.

Ayaka stood behind her folding screen with Koharu. The servant began to help her remove her armor, wristbands, and the rest of her outfit. For her part, Chisato sat on a chair to wait for them to finish. Meanwhile, they had no problem continuing the conversation that they had been starting from the hallway; when his father's prying ears were no longer close.

"So, do you still send letters to Kamaji?" Ayaka asked curiously from behind the screen.

"When I can," Chisato answered, sighing heavily. "And it gets harder and harder to do it without my dad noticing. If you only knew how difficult it was to convince him to bring me with him on this trip. Although now I realize why he agreed to the end."

The last comment was accompanied by sourness and annoyance that did not go unnoticed by Ayaka.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," Chisato muttered, brushing it off. "The important thing is that I'll go to Inazuma no matter what. Just to think that I'll see Kamaji face to face after such a long time..."

Ayaka couldn't see her, but just by listening, she could feel the emotion and joy that invaded her. Very different from her previous comment. A smirk of satisfaction graced Ayaka's face as if Chisato's sentiment had somehow rubbed off on her.

"You must be very excited."

"That falls short. Tell me, have you seen him on your visits to Inazuma? Has he told you about me?"

"The truth is that I don't see him so much, and it's almost always just for Yashiro Commission work."

A couple of minutes later, Koharu was already helping her mistress put on her kimono, then tie her pink obi with a thin white string.

"It's ready, milady," the maid told her once she finished.

"Thank you, Koharu," Ayaka muttered gratefully and then proceeded to come out from behind the screen. She showed now her new outfit, as well as allowing herself to wear her long, straight hair down, falling freely down her back like a waterfall. "Better?"

"You always look beautiful no matter what you wear, Ayaka," Chisato replied excitedly, even clapping her fingers a little.

"Thank you very much for your kind compliment," Ayaka mumbled, lowering her face a little in embarrassment.

"Let's go back then before they think we got away."

Ayaka and Chisato left the room to head back to the living room where their brother and father, respectively, were waiting for them. Koharu stood in the doorway, bowing to both.

"I don't know what your father could have against Kamaji," Ayaka commented once they were walking down the hall. "He is a member of one of the most important clans and a good boy, in addition to being intelligent and very educated."

"I know," Chisato sighed. "But he is second in succession to the Kujou clan. Or even the third, as there are rumors that his father would prefer first to leave the clan's leadership to Sara, even if she is his adopted daughter."

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