Chapter 20. You can stay here

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Chapter 20

You can stay here

Dinner was relatively quick, considering it was almost a tiny banquet for Miss Kamisato's guests. It consisted of the main course of beef broth and various appetizers. Everything was served at the table in Ayaka's private room, at which everyone sat, Tomo and Kazuha on one side while Ayaka and Thoma on the other. The room was soon filled with the exquisite aroma of food.

"This smells great," Tomo pointed out enthusiastically, instantly allowing himself to pick up some of the noodles with his chopsticks and bring them to his mouth. His face lit up brightly as soon as he tasted it. "And it tastes even better! My compliments to the cook."

The samurai clasped his hands in front of him, let out a quick prayer of thanks into the air, and without further ado, began quickly serving himself to everything in front of him. Kazuha, for his part, was a bit more demure.

"I hope it wasn't too much trouble that they had to cook all this so late," the Kaedehara swordsman pointed out, a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry," Ayaka replied quickly. "There is always someone on call for whatever is offered."


Ayaka nodded.

"But serve yourself whatever you want, please."

Kazuha answered, bowing his head respectfully towards her. He also joined his hands, thanking the food, and after began to serve himself a little of each thing. He noticed that Ayaka didn't take any of the food. In fact, in front of her on the table, she had only a cup of steaming tea from which she took only a sip from time to time.

"Aren't you going to eat, Ayaka?" Kazuha asked curiously.

"Oh no. Don't worry, we already had dinner. Right, Thoma...?"

Turning to her companion sitting next to her, she was a little surprised to realize that he was indeed putting a bit of food on his plate. Feeling watched by his mistress, Thoma jumped a little, smiling nervously.

"Ah... Well, it's just a little appetizer before bed," the servant said, raising his plate slightly for her to see. Although, it seemed much more than just an appetizer.

"I see it's true what they say about boys having a bigger appetite, right?" Ayaka muttered, trying to moderate her impression.

The three men continued to eat animatedly while Ayaka drank from her cup. The atmosphere had become relatively calm, very different from the almost tense Kazuha and Ayaka had fallen into during their talk.

The Heron Princess liked that. Lately, it was complicated for her to have moments as pleasant and calm as that.

"Have you tasted the squid yet, Kazuha?" Tom asked his partner.

"Yes, it's very good..." the young Kaedehara indicated, although he had to shut up almost immediately when a small spike of pain ran through his shoulder, making him reflexively move his hand towards that area.

"Does that wound still bother you?" Tomo asked, seeing him grab his shoulder.

"A little. But it's already much better, thanks to... Ayaka."

A small happy smile graced the lips of the blue-haired girl at being mentioned in that way.

"I didn't do much. What will really take care of healing you is the special medicine."

"In my experience, a medicine applied by the sweet fingers of a beautiful young lady becomes much more effective," Tomo pointed out with a rather playful tone. His comment caused a small startle in Kazuha and Ayaka and a slight blush on their cheeks. Although in turn, it also caused an obvious annoyance in Thoma.

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