Chapter 38. Butterflies

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Chapter 38

Once separated from the Arataki Gang, Kazuha stealthily headed back to the city, specifically to that street in Hanamizaka where he had met that peddler. He was afraid that the vendor would already have left by then since a few hours had passed since he had seen him, and sunset threatened to begin at any moment. His fear came true when he reached the same part of the street where he remembered seeing him, but he no longer found any trace of the man, his blanket, or his products. Just the empty space in front of a stone wall with some old posters taped.

Kazuha sighed, more resigned than actually disappointed. Perhaps it had been quite naive of him to imagine that everything would happen that way, almost like magic. Finding a gift that reminded him of Ayaka and also getting enough money to buy it. Everything as if it had been fate or part of some little legend; the traveler who went through several voyages to obtain the perfect gift for his beloved... although the battle with a huge and lethal oni and the duel to the death of onikabuto would have to be a bit exaggerated to spice up the story.

Maybe he could compose a haiku using that idea as a base. But in the meantime, all that remained was to withdraw and accept defeat. So he carefully adjusted his scarf and turned on his feet to return to where he had come.

Perhaps all was not lost. With any luck, he might find the vendor again the next day...

"Hey, boy," he suddenly heard a loud voice uttering very close to him.

Kazuha stopped instantly, then slowly turned in its direction. To one side, there was a traveling ramen cart, behind which the cook prepared the dishes, and in front, there were three benches for diners, two occupied at that time. And right on the center bench, he recognized the broad back and long gray hair of the person sitting on it, bent over his plate as he slurped down the noodles with an almost shrill sound. On his back was a dark blue blanket tied around his neck, which evidently kept different items in it.

That man stopped eating for an instant and turned entirely on the bench towards Kazuha. The old man's small eyes looked at him through his bushy beard.

"I had a feeling you'd be back," the old man said, laughing. "But a little more, and you no longer found me."

Kazuha smiled contently. It was the peddler; he was not gone yet. Perhaps fate and magic were still on his side.

"Did you get the money?" asked the old man, a little impatient.

"Yeah, here it is," Kazuha said, approaching him. He took his small bag of coins and quickly took out of it the moras he had taken from the prize of the onikabuto tournament. "One hundred and fifty, correct?"

"We said so," the vendor pointed out, extending a hand toward him. Kazuha placed the coins on his palm. The old man didn't even bother to count them. He only put them without waiting in one pocket, and from the other, he took out a small dark blue rectangular box, and without warning, he threw it towards the swordsman. Kazuha's sharp reflexes allowed him to catch it in the air without the slightest trouble. "The box is a gift," said the old man with a chuckle. "I hope it is the ideal gift for that person."

Kazuha carefully opened the box, looking at its contents: the ring and the two blue butterfly-shaped brooches. His smile widened.

"I think it will be," Kazuha agreed, tucking the box inside his kimono without waiting. "Thank you very much for waiting for me," he finally pronounced, respectfully leaning towards the old man.

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