Chapter 14. Clash swords again

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Chapter 14
Clash swords again

Ayaka wasn't too surprised to notice that Katsumoto was leading them right into the building she knew best at the Kaedehara Estate: the training dojo. Although, of course, the dojo that prevailed in her memories had little or nothing to do with the building in front of her. Its condition was as deplorable as the rest of the property. It also seemed to have been conditioned as some kind of warehouse. Inside, they found several boxes, bags, and vases stacked in the corners. Ayaka correctly guessed that most of these things were loot from her heists.

Inside they found also more ronin, sitting on the sides, eating or chatting with each other, but they dropped everything as soon as she and Thoma entered the place. It was as if the brightness of their colorful clothes and faces had drawn them like a beacon.

Counting Katsumoto and the three men who had greeted them, Ayaka estimated around twenty people, maybe a little more. She didn't think the band was so large; it was likely that not even the Tenryou Commission knew about it. And as soon as they advanced towards the center of that place, they inevitably ended up surrounded in all directions by potential enemies.

This is what they call putting oneself in the wolf's mouth, thought Ayaka, despite everything with a bit of humor. At the moment, she couldn't afford to lose her temper or control of the situation.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Ouji moved to one side, a little away from everyone. Surely, he only wanted to intervene in that matter to that point, and Ayaka couldn't blame him. He had already risked enough for them from what she saw in the courtyard.

For his part, Katsumoto moved to one side, where there were several large bottles of what Ayaka assumed was alcohol; sake, most likely. The samurai took one of them, removed the plug, and sniffed its contents a little before drinking it against his lips.

"This used to be a beautiful dojo," Ayaka commented, looking thoughtfully around her, especially at the splintered and stained wooden floor at her feet. She remembered, with some sadness, a couple of times when she had had to clean and polish it together with Kazuha and the other students.

"Eight years of neglect kills any building," Katsumoto muttered bitterly once he put down his bottle. "And also some people too..."

Sake bottle in hand, he advanced to a group of cushions on the floor, on which he allowed himself to fall on his back. He didn't even bother to settle down; just as he fell, he stayed and continued to drink.

"Whatever you want to say, you'd better say it quick," Katsumoto snapped, sounding like a demand.

The gaze of all those twenty people was fixed on Ayaka, and she knew it. It was not that they were interested in what she had to say. Still, undoubtedly many were waiting to see if she had another hidden intention. Thoma was also aware of this, so he kept alert and close to Ayaka.

"Tenryou Commission says you have become a thief who robs travelers," Ayaka uttered without hesitation, hoping not to sound too much like an accusation. "Is that true?"

"Does this look like the abode of an exemplary citizen?" Katsumoto teased, holding his arms out to the sides to point around.

"How come you ended this way, Mr. Katsumoto? You were always an extraordinary and honorable samurai."

"A samurai's honor is worth nothing if he has no lord to serve. And I guess I don't have to tell you what happened to ours."

"Why didn't you come with us? We could have helped you in some way..."

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