Chapter 31. The Hero of Hanamizaka

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Chapter 31
The Hero of Hanamizaka

Miss Kuki Shinobu left her home in Hanamizaka that afternoon, dressed in a discreet pink kimono; an outfit more in line with the type of clothing her mother preferred to see on her. Her mother, in fact, had locked herself in her room early that day, apparently doing her usual rounds of prayers and a little more. Shinobu wasn't entirely sure for what specific reason her mother was praying and asking for so much in those days, but she sensed that it might have to do with the desire to straighten the course of her wayward daughter.

As it was, the last thing Shinobu wanted was to receive questions from her. So after getting dressed and ensuring her mother was in her room, Shinobu prepared to head out of the house as discreetly as possible. And it almost did its job. She managed to slide the front door with as little noise as possible. She managed to tiptoe out and close the door again. Outside, she could breathe relief, feeling out of danger. She took a few steps forward with complete confidence just before she heard the door slam open behind her.

"Where are you going?" her mother's voice questioned from inside the house. The young woman winced a little and turned slowly. Her mother was watching her questioningly from the doorway.

"Mother, good afternoon," Shinobu murmured in a cautious voice. "I'll just go... walk around."

"You're not going to waste your time with that bunch of good-for-nothing again, are you?" Mrs. Kuki questioned her severely, with her hands on her waist.

"No, mother," Shinobu replied as firmly as possible. "I'll just buy some books and maybe some fireworks before the festival starts, and they're all gone."

Mrs. Kuki's gaze hardened remarkably, making it clear that she did not fully believe her daughter's words.

"I don't know why you insist on hanging out with those vandals," she blurted out in a bellicose voice, crossing her arms. "They're just a bunch of troublemakers, sloths, and felons. Especially that oni... whatever his name is. I don't know what you are waiting for to stop wasting time and resume your classes at Narukami Shrine."

"Mother, we already talked about that..." Shinobu murmured in a low voice, lowering her gaze a bit.

"Not enough, I see."

Ms. Kuki was more than willing to say more, but something else seemed to pique her interest at that moment. She raised her gaze to the sky, making a visor with one hand to see the sun's position. She indeed had some other activity that required her attention at that time.

"Don't come back late," she instructed, sounding almost like a threat. "I want us to go and see the High Priestess to discuss your future."

"Surely she must be too busy for us to bother her with that, mother," Shinobu murmured.

"I'll make sure she gives us space. So don't you dare stand her up.

"Yes, mother..." Shinobu released in a sharp breath.

Saying what she had to say, Mrs. Kuki turned back into the house, sliding the door behind her with some force to close it.

Left alone, Shinobu finally dared to look up, her eyes brimming with all the anger and frustration with which it would be impossible for her to look at her own mother.

She began to walk quickly away from the house. With her hands, she quickly removed her kimono, revealing under it her outfit of a black top, shorts, and purple jacket; the outfit her mother hated so much, and it made her angry whenever she saw Shinobu with it, especially on the street. And, of course, she accessorized her look with the black mask that covered her mouth and nose. An appearance that felt much more like her and less like the daughter of an honorable and respectable priestess of The Almighty Shogun.

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