Chapter 33. The Right Person

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Chapter 33
The Right Person

The Yae Publishing House was somewhat crowded that afternoon, especially by young women excited to read the new issues of their favorite novels published in the month. Among the updated novels was, of course, the one that Kamisato Ayaka had specially gone to find: number six of "The Noble Knight in Love with the Ice King." The volume in question sported its colorful cover between the publisher's shelves, with such a beautiful drawing that it inevitably drew everyone's attention. It showed the two protagonists, a woman in armor and dark hair and a blond man in blue clothes, with flames of war behind them, although they only looked at each other... but not precisely with joy. It was a powerful image that overflowed several feelings at once.

But if something drew even more attention than the new novels, it was undoubtedly the presence of the three daughters of the Tri-Commission. Arriving at the place, almost all the customers subtly directed their gazes toward them and whispered among themselves. Mainly questioned if they were really who they appeared to be, and of course, they were. Some wanted to get a little closer to Ayaka and Chisato to talk to them. Still, they were persuaded almost immediately as they looked at the tengu general with them, wearing her uniform and even her bow, and with her cold golden eyes roaming that place, perhaps in search of any threat. That forced them to better turn around or at least divert their attention elsewhere.

Sara wasn't fully aware of the effect she had on the people, but she sensed that the air had turned a little more serious and the voices a little lower as soon as they arrived. But, for better or worse, it turned out to be something she was used to.

"This is it," Ayaka pointed out, moving closer to the shelf where the number she came looking for was displayed. Her eyes sparkled with the emotion of a young girl. She delicately took one of the copies in her hands and brought it closer to see it more closely. "I had seen a preview of what the cover of this volume would be like, but I didn't think the final work would be so beautiful."

"Yeah, she looks pretty," Chisato muttered, peeking over the young Kamisato's shoulder to look at it. "What is it about?"

"Oh, it's such a beautiful story," Ayaka exclaimed enthusiastically, "from an old time in Fontaine, where a young woman from a poor family becomes a knight and ends up as a personal guard to the handsome young crown prince whom everyone nicknames the Ice King, due to his cold and distant character, but deep down he has a big heart of..."

Suddenly, Ayaka noticed the almost puzzled look Chisato was giving her. And as if her eyes were a mirror, she realized that perhaps she had gotten too excited, forgetting for a moment where she was and with whom. She hastened to fix that mistake, clearing her throat a little and trying to moderate her voice again.

"He's a good person," Ayaka explained, concluding her previous idea. "And she ends up falling in love with him, and little by little, he also falls in love with her."

"Classic commoner vs. noble story, huh?" Chisato muttered in an amused tone, crossing her arms. "People love those stories for some reason. I guess the idea of living a forbidden love is attractive to some..."

Chisato cut off her own words suddenly, as soon as her mind seemed to scream in her ear: You're not the best qualified to criticize stories of forbidden love...

"Not in my case, of course," she hastened to point out, turning her pained gaze elsewhere. "And I didn't think you were also the type to like romantic stories of this kind, Ayaka."

"Well, a little," Ayaka muttered slowly, hiding part of her flushed face behind the book she was holding. "The story is interesting. In fact, there is a part in volume four where the two protagonists are apart and begin to secretly write letters to each other."

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