Chapter 17. Irregular situation

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Chapter 17
Irregular situation

That same afternoon, while Ayaka and Thoma were asking on the streets of Inazuma for information about Katsumoto, some important meetings were taking place at the Tenryou Commission headquarters. The first one was between Commissioner Tenryou, Kujou Takayuki, and his three children, heads of the Shogun's army and the criminal investigation bureau. The issue that had brought them together was the growing crisis in Watatsumi and Yashiori, the most recent being a fishermen's strike in the latter.

The four members of the Kujou Clan were alone in a room of the quarters. Takayuki sat firm and stoic on one side, and his three children, Masahito, Kamaji, and Sara, faced him side by side. Masahito, General of the Army and the eldest of the three siblings, had spread out on the ground a large map of Yashiori Island, which had marked with red crosses the points where the strike was taking place. The main departure points for the fishing boats, or the movement of merchandise between the other islands, were evident. In essence, they had almost wholly immobilized Yashiori in just a few days.

"The fishermen have been refusing to go out to sea for three days now," Masahito reported seriously as he ran his finger across the map, "and have taken over all the land and sea trade routes to the island's east. So far, there have been no physical confrontations, only some verbal ones. The local guard maintains its vigilant position, currently awaiting further instructions."

Takayuki let out a distinct groan of annoyance as he silently stared at the map. Although Commissioner Tenryou was known for always keeping his true feelings to himself, it was evident to his three children that he was quite angry, not to say "furious." As insignificant as they looked on that map, each of those little red crosses represented a real problem; economic and security.

"And what are their demands?" Takayuki questioned sharply, crossing his arms.

"The same as always," Masahito replied. "That the Sakoku Decree be withdrawn and that they could be allowed to free trade with Liyue from the local ports, not only from Ritou and all the bureaucracy and paperwork that implies."

"And?" Takayuki muttered impatiently. "What else?"

General Tenryou lowered his eyes a little, but as firmly as possible he replied:

"They also demand for the abolition of the Vision Hunt Decree..."

"Of course," the Commissioner blurted out, accompanied by a satirical laugh.

"They're just another group of workers and merchants discontented with the new measures," Kamaji, the second son and current head of the criminal investigation bureau, intervened at that point. "We should consider asking the Yashiro Commission to intercede so that we can hear what they have to say."

"What would they have to say?" Takayuki snapped; his tone was almost aggressive. "They have made it very clear: they refuse to accept the decrees established by the Almighty Shogun, hiding their disloyalty in the form of these... discontent."

"It's a bit rash to call them disloyal just to express their disagreement, father..."

"Don't be naive, Kamaji. Everyone here knows that Sangonomiya rioters are hiding behind these incidents."

"We have no proof that Sangonomiya's people are involved..." Masahito tried to explain, but at that moment, his father quickly stood up, conspicuously imposing his presence over his three children and silencing them.

"I don't need any more proof than I already have!" exclaimed the Commissioner, raising his voice noticeably. "The reports about the movements of Sangonomiya's followers fully coincide with this. If we enter into their game of sending mediators and trying to negotiate, we will do just what they want: waste more time, distract us, and that the commercial repercussions become greater and greater."

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