Chapter 18. You have the right to do it

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Chapter 18
You have the right to do it

Just as they agreed, the four of them left the Kaedehara Estate together for Inazuma City. By that time, there was no longer any trace of Katsumoto and his men in the surroundings, almost as if they were never there in the first place.

Ayaka and Thoma walked in front of Kazuha and Tomo, leading the way and the pace. On top of that, the loyal Kamisato Clan's housekeeper also had the responsibility of carrying the still unconscious Ouji on his back.

"Sorry to keep causing you so much trouble, Thoma," Ayaka mumbled from beside him, noticeably embarrassed.

"Don't worry, my lady," Thoma replied, flashing one of his usual friendly smiles. "We couldn't just leave him there after he risked so much to guide us. I think that's the least we owe him. In addition, the trip will not be very long, and luckily he does not weigh much."

Ayaka nodded, more relieved than ever to have the unconditional help of her loyal servant and friend. She was also very hurt by what had happened to Ouji. She hoped that she could somehow make it up to him for this horrible experience as soon as he woke up.

Although, of course, being honest with herself, there was another topic occupying her mind over and above the situation of the swordsman Ouji. And the frequent times in which the Heron Princess subtly turned to look over her shoulder at the light-haired boy who was walking behind her left it quite in evidence. That, and that every time the boy seemed to be about to realize that she was looking at him, Ayaka turned back to the front, disguising, although with her face visibly flushed.

"You must be pleased to have met young master Kaedehara just like you wanted, right?" Thoma commented suddenly, unsettling Ayaka a bit by the suddenness of the comment. Had her thoughts been that clear on her face?"

"Yes, of course..." Ayaka murmured slowly, giving a small nervous smile. She couldn't help but look again at the person in question behind her. "It's incredible that we ran into him on that site, right? It was an extraordinary coincidence."

"I don't think anything that happened in that dojo was exactly a coincidence," Thoma muttered slowly, like a subtle thought on the air.

Ayaka felt a little taken aback by his words.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know," the servant laughed a little. "Perhaps it was the will of the Archons, although most certainly not of our Shogun. But better ignore me; I really don't know what I'm saying."

"The will of the Archons," Ayaka repeated in her head. Sometimes she wondered how much the Gods really got involved in those things. The older she got, the more she concluded that not as much as most people believed.

"And what are you going to do now that you've found him?" Thomas asked curiously.

"First, take them to the tea house and treat Kazuha's wound, as promised," Ayaka replied without much hesitation. "And later..."

She kept silent without giving an end to the sentence. She wasn't sure what would happen later. Maybe for a change, she would give herself the freedom to decide on the spot.

From his position a few steps behind, Kazuha tried to appear unaware of Ayaka's frequent glances at him. That made him a little uneasy. And not precisely because of the glances themselves, but because of what could be going through the young Kamisato's mind at that moment. He didn't distrust her old friend in the sense that he felt she was walking them into some trap (although being objective, perhaps he should since he hadn't seen her in eight years). But both were clear that the pending issues between them would most likely have to be resolved sooner than they expected.

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