Chapter 30. Now we can talk calmly

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Chapter 30
Now we can talk calmly

Like her previous visit, Kozue did not allow Chisato to Hiiragi to walk past her into the teahouse, and she didn't care much that the Hiiragi girl was accompanied by General Kujou Sara. However, Kozue agreed to pass on a message to Lady Kamisato that they were both there; that was progress or something like that...

"Can you believe it?" Chisato whispered to Sara, looking over her shoulder at the woman in front of the door. Both girls, and the two guards accompanying them, had moved a few steps away as they waited for Ayaka to come out. "Isn't that too much of an exaggeration for a simple teahouse?"

"This is only so when Kamisato family members are in town," Sara replied matter-of-factly. "This is usually the place where Commissioner Yashiro and his sister stay, so it's normal for them to take shelter accordingly."

"Okay, but... why in a teahouse?" Chisato questioned, incredulous, looking again at the store's facade. "And besides, we're not two complete strangers to be locked out like that. We are the daughters of the Hiiragi and Kujou clans, after all."

"I'm not one to judge another clan's security procedures," Sara replied nonchalantly, shrugging. "In fact, I like it when the people in charge of these stand firm in their duty, even though they have to oppose people of a supposedly higher rank."

Sara also discreetly looked toward Kozue. Although on the outside she had the appearance of just another waitress, her posture, the intensity of her gaze, and the short sword that was well hidden on her back made it clear that she had not been put to guard the door by mere chance.

"She would make a good Tenryou soldier," Sara declared suddenly, taking Chisato by surprise.

This is the last straw; now it turns out that she likes that waitress more than me...

Ayaka didn't take long to come out, looking splendid in her kimono and hair ornament and inevitably immediately catching everyone's gaze. Even the two Kanjou guards accompanying the two visitors were clearly dazzled by her appearance.

"Sorry if I took too long," Ayaka said, slowly approaching both of them, a radiant smile on her lips.

"Ayaka, you look..." Chisato muttered, looking her up and down. "Wow... Now I see where that Princess Heron nickname came from."

"You flatter me, Chisato," the young Kamisato muttered, discreetly opening one of her fans in front of her face, trying to hide her blush. "You also look beautiful. It's a gorgeous print on your kimono."

"Oh, thanks... But that hair ornament, where did you get it?"

"I ordered it to be done with a custom design. Do you like it?"

"Of course! Let me take a closer look..."

Chisato moved closer to her, so she could better appreciate Ayaka's kanzashi. They kept murmuring among themselves, commenting on each part that made up their outfit, with cheerful voices and friendly smiles. All this while Sara watched them in silence. And even though she was only a few steps away from them, she felt like she was several, many meters away...

Sara peeked at her own outfit, her usual General's uniform, including even her bow and arrows. Totally distant from what the other two girls wore.

Should she have opted to wear something different, as Chisato had suggested? At the time, she did not find the case, but... If before she felt totally out of place in that matter, that feeling had tripled. Even the things they talked about felt like totally foreign topics to her as if they came from a world other than her own.

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