Chapter 34. I'm not a threat to you

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Chapter 34
I'm not a threat to you

Tomo knew in advance that his mysterious new friend would not come with him for good, so without even asking first, he took it upon himself to knock him unconscious with a precise blow to the right spot on the neck. Of course, going around the city and carrying the unconscious body of a ninja was a challenging task too. Still, he managed to hide him inside a wooden barrel he found right there in the alley and carry it on his back, like another merchant carrying his merchandise. He walked with a leisurely step, and his head bowed. Nobody paid attention to him, and nobody asked questions.

Despite everything, it seemed to be his lucky day.

He managed to get out of the city and down a hill towards the beach. First, he was thinking of taking his guest to a cave, but later, he glimpsed an old wooden hut, perhaps belonging to an old fisherman. He looked at it from the outside and then took a look inside. It seemed that it had been a long time since anyone had been there.

Once again, he seemed to be in luck.

When the ninja regained consciousness, the first thing his eyes began to see was the hut's dark, dusty, and cobwebbed interior. The second thing his senses picked up was his inability to move freely since he was firmly tied at the wrists and ankles. He was sitting on a barrel (the same one where he had been transported), and on the floor, at his feet, he glimpsed a thick, dark liquid whose pungent odor he immediately identified as whale oil for lamps. The liquid formed a circle around him and then spread out in a straight path to the front, ending just in front of the shack's front door. Or, rather, right in front of the person sitting on the ground in front of the door.

"You finally wake up," Tomo murmured with a carefree smile, looking at him from his position. He had removed his scarf, his sword was placed on the ground on one side, and on the other, stuck in the ground... he had a burning torch whose fire was the primary source of light, in addition to the little that entered through the only window into the room. "I was afraid I might hit you in the wrong place. It had been a while since I did it."

The ninja remained silent, and his only appreciable reaction was his eyes hardening. It took him only a short time to understand his situation. His restraints, the oil, and the torch made that quite clear.

Tomo stood up, wiping his hakama pants with both hands. Then he took his sword with one hand and the torch with the other to approach his new friend, careful not to step on the trail of oil.

"I'm sorry about how uncomfortable you must be feeling right now," Tomo apologized, actually sounding almost sincere. "This won't take long, but that depends much more on you than on me."

He then stood to one side of the barrel, placing the torch in a wall bracket, but close enough to grab it with a flick of his hand if needed.

"Let's start with something simple, shall we? What's your name?"

The ninja remained quiet, his gaze fixed and steady ahead instead of looking at his captor. Not a single sound came from his mouth.

"So we'll just get on with the silent rude boy act, huh?" Tomo mumbled, amused. "Well, my friends call me Tomo. And although I don't think you fall into that category, we can still make an exception. I have a little kitten named Tama, and recently I met a new friend named Thoma. So as long as you don't tell me your real name, you will be Tamo to me. Agree?"

There was no answer, but Tomo didn't expect it.

"Alright, Tamo. Tell me, who sent you to follow me? And what were your exact orders?"

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