Chapter 28. I'll look forward to it

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Chapter 28
I'll look forward to it

About ten or fifteen minutes had passed since Ayaka entered the teahouse with her brother. However, to Kazuha, each minute felt like a torturous hour. Sitting there, in front of the establishment in the company of Tomo and under the watchful eye of the two Yashiro guards and also Kozue, he couldn't help but constantly look at the front door hoping that at any moment, Ayaka's figure would be present once more. But that didn't happen.

Kazuha had always been a very calm person and in control of his emotions, especially the negative ones. His time in nature had taught him to keep his mind and spirit calm in any situation and let everything flow in the course it was meant to flow. However, it seemed a bit more complicated when the problem did not fall on him but on someone he cared about, such as Kamisato Ayaka.

"No matter how hard you look at the door, your princess won't be back any sooner," Tomo murmured slowly from beside him, a hint of humor in his tone. "Don't be so restless; he is her brother, after all. Worry more about us."

Mentioning that last, he glanced sideways at the two guards standing just a couple of meters from them. But beyond the two guards keeping an eye on them, the curious scene had already caught the attention of a few passers-by passing on the street to one side of the tea house. And several of them had taken a moment to whisper slowly to their companion while they looked in Kazuha and Tomo's direction. That would not take long to draw the attention of real Tenryou guards.

A little over a minute later, the door to the teahouse finally opened, and Commissioner Yashiro's serious face peered out from behind it. Seeing him, Kazuha immediately jumped to his feet and turned to him.

"Lord Kamisato..." he murmured slowly.

Ayato then started walking in the direction of the street, right next to the two wandering swordsmen, but without actually turning to see them. Although, when he passed in front of Kazuha, the swordsman did perceive that he was whispering to him in a low voice:

"I hope you enjoy your stay in Inazuma, Mr. Kaedehara."

And without saying more or waiting for an answer, he continued advancing toward the two guards who accompanied him. He gave them a slight hint that Kazuha couldn't hear anymore. Then the three started walking down the street, Ayato walking in front and the two men in purple armor following close behind.

"Does that mean he won't arrest us?" Tomo questioned, a little confused.

Kazuha didn't have a clear answer to that question, but everything seemed to indicate that he wouldn't. They would have to wait for Ayaka and see if she could clarify the situation better for them.

A while later, someone else came out, though not the person Kazuha expected, but the housekeeper, Thoma.

"My friend Thoma, is everything alright?" Tomo exclaimed enthusiastically at the sight of him, also standing up.

Thoma turned to look at them, an expression of mild surprise on his face, almost as if he had hoped they would no longer be around when he left.

"If you mean about the commissioner, you have nothing to worry about," the servant clarified calmly. "He didn't come here for you. And as far as he's concerned, you are just Lady Ayaka's guests. And obviously, he hasn't been informed about your visions either."

"That calms us down a bit, right?" Tomo stated with a smile, turning to Kazuha for confirmation.

Kazuha was calmer, indeed. Although not completely.

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