Chapter 35. Choose your champion

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Chapter 35
Choose your champion

When Itto mentioned to Kazuha that he knew all the places where cats congregated in Hanamizaka... it didn't take long for the wandering swordsman to realize that this wasn't actually an exaggeration. The two members of the Arataki Gang gave him a tour of several of the corners of that area. All of them, in fact, were inhabited by dozens of cats.

Orange, black, brown, tabby, gray, and even some totally white. But none of them were Tama. Most fled as soon as they were approached, but some came with extreme confidence, especially to Kazuha.

"It seems the animals love you, friend Kazuha," Itto pointed out, intrigued to see how a group of cats swirled around the fair-haired boy's feet. He crouched toward them, carefully running his hands over their heads and loins.

"Animals never fear those with a calm soul," the swordsman said, pronouncing it almost as if it were a poem.

"I guess that means your soul isn't very calm, boss," Akira murmured to his oni friend under his breath. He was startled, surprised by the statement.

"What are you saying? Animals adore me. Do you forget who the best onikabutos catcher in all of Inazuma is?"

"I don't know," Akira mumbled, a bit unsure. "I don't think scarabs count. They practically never run from anything. They almost always just sit there for you to grab."

"Ha, it's obvious you don't understand the complexity of a true warrior's mind. They keep their minds clear and blank until it is time to fight. We can all learn something from the way they think."

"You mean... always have our mind clear and blank?" Akira asked curiously. "Well, that doesn't sound too complicated..."

As Kazuha stood up again, the cats took off, heading down the street in a group.

"I'm afraid the cat I'm searching for may not be around," Kazuha muttered ruefully. "Perhaps instinctively, she went looking for my partner. I should go find him."

Although, of course, considering the place Tomo had said he was going to, the idea of going after him really didn't appeal to him at all.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, friend Kazuha," Itto exclaimed with extreme confidence. "There is still one site that needs to be added, the most popular of all. Surely the lost cat you are looking for will be found there. Come on, follow me."

Before Kazuha could say yes or no to his proposal, Itto immediately started walking briskly. Akira followed close behind, and Kazuha had no choice but to go after them.

Kazuha wasn't sure how worried he really was for Tama. Tomo had already adopted her when they met a few months ago (before recruiting him for that quick trip to Inazuma), and she was almost always wildly attached to her owner. So he had not known her long enough to see if she could care for herself. But whatever it was, Tomo entrusted her to him, and he needed to try to find her at least. But that city was so big; she could be anywhere right now.

At least Arataki Itto's company, now that they were no longer fighting each other, was pleasant and useful. Throughout his travels through Inazuma, Kazuha met many interesting people, including other oni and even other types of Youkai. But this individual was a bit more peculiar than most. But, above all, he was surprised that he could have lived for so long in the very heart of the Shogunate with a vision when the most rational thing to do would have been to get as far away from that place as possible. He must be someone very brave... or not very smart...

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