Chapter 23. It will be fun

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Chapter 23
It will be fun

The bustle outside the tea house was caused by a young woman in the company of two guards clad in purple armor and armed with spears. But these were not guards from the Tenryou commission as Kazuha and Tomo had feared. And that young woman was not just any person, as she was Lady Chisato of the Hiiragi clan. And that little clash of words that was taking place was because their intentions to enter the establishment were entirely frustrated by Kozue, who had stood firm in front of the door, blocking their way.

"What do you mean I can't get in?" Chisato questioned, equally confused and annoyed.

"I don't know what words could put it more clearly, my lady," Kozue answered in a firm and nearly sarcastic tone which was somewhat disrespectful from the perspective of her three listeners. "As I already told you, no one can enter this establishment without authorization. So you should go now."

"But what a rude woman!" one of the guards exclaimed with evident anger, taking his spear firmly in front of him. "Don't you know who you're talking to...?!"

"Shinnojou, calm down," Chisato said, raising an arm in front of the guard to signal him to desist from any hostile action he was thinking of. A little embarrassed, the man lowered his head and stepped back.

Chisato took a deep breath, trying to calm her own mood, which was not far from her companion's. When she felt calmer, she stood firm in front of Kozue, looked her straight in the eye, and spoke as calmly as possible:

"Listen, there's obviously a misunderstanding. Let's start over, okay? I'm Hiiragi Chisato, from the Hiiragi Clan of the Kanjou Commission. I'm looking for Kamisato Ayaka, and the people told me I could find her here. Would you be so kind as to tell me if she is in this establishment or not?"

"I can't give you that information without authorization," Kozue replied quickly and without hesitation, "no matter if you are from the Kanjou Commission or wherever. So you should go, now," she snapped, crossing her arms.

"What's your problem?!" Chisato exclaimed, not managing to keep her voice at a safe volume for now. "That is no way to treat a person, whatever clan they are. I demand to speak to the owner right now!"

"As you wish," Kozue replied nonchalantly, shrugging. "But it still won't help you much. He is a dog, after all."

"And you even call your own boss dog," Chisato muttered with distaste. "Who the hell are you to...?"

The main door at Kozue's back was opened carefully at that moment, immediately catching the attention of both women and the two guards. Kamisato Ayaka's distinctive round face with large blue eyes looked out, and her mere presence was enough for the humor to calm down from one second to another.

"Kozue, is everything alright?" the young Kamisato inquired, taking a step outside. She quickly recognized the person in front of the teahouse clerk as she approached. "Ah, Chisato..." she whispered, somewhat surprised.

"Ayaka, I finally found you," Chisato muttered with some relief. "I was looking for you, but this woman didn't want to help me at all."

While she shot that accusation, Chisato stared at Kozue, making it quite clear who she was talking about.

"I was only doing my duty, Lady Kamisato," the woman in the purple kimono apologized.

"I know, Kozue, don't worry," Ayaka was quick to point out. Then she moved to stand in front of her, almost serving as a shield between the gatekeeper and the daughter of the Hiiragi clan. "Please forgive her, Chisato. Kozue just tries to take the best care of who comes in and who leaves this site."

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