Chapter 41. Night off for the Kujou siblings

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Chapter 41
Night off for the Kujou siblings

As dusk approached, the city's streets began to fill considerably with people, several of them wearing their best yukatas, and even wearing some masks. The lights that decorated the streets started illuminating the landscape, and the food, games, and gift stalls officially opened their doors to the public. The first day of the cultural festival organized by the Yashiro Commission was finally about to begin.

However, not everyone still had the freedom to enjoy the festivities. For those afternoon hours, Kujou Kamaji was in his last meeting of the day, one of a less formal nature but still important for the matter that most concerned him lately. After days of discreet, and perhaps not entirely ethical, research, Shikanoin Heizou already had a few things he wanted to report to him.

As he had promised Chisato, Kamaji would take the night off so they could both walk around the festival together. Of course, officially, that outing was not a date at all but a mere hospitable gesture from a member of the Kujou Clan to a member of the Hiiragi Clan, and to ensure that everything was in order. A matter of work, in other words. It was clear that almost no one believed that story, but no one gave any sign of contradicting it.

Anyway, before he could meet with Chisato, he had to conclude his talk with Heizou. And, indeed, it was difficult for him not to feel somewhat worried by the new suspicions his investigator shared with him.

"Naganohara Fireworks Shop?" Kamaji murmured in a serious tone. "What makes you suspicious of them?"

Heizou was standing, leaning against the sidewall of the Kujou's middle son's study. His demeanor, as usual, was relaxed, but his words showed confidence.

"The expert craftsmen we contacted, who have been studying and attempting to replicate the fake visions, have managed to come up with a list of the materials that would be necessary for their creation. It is not entirely sure since the exact process still needs to be discovered, but we believe it can be very close. However, these are somewhat difficult to track down, as most are relatively common and used in manufacturing many products."

"Among them, the fireworks, I suppose," Kamaji concluded, to which Heizou nodded.

"That's why we review local businesses that have placed large orders for one or more of these materials in recent weeks. Naganohara Fireworks always appears in at least the first three positions."

"That could be totally normal," Kamaji pointed out, shrugging. "They are a very popular business. Everyone in Inazuma knows that their fireworks are the best. And their work and production are expected to increase even more with the proximity of a festival like this."

"That's correct, sir," Heizou indicated, pointing almost playfully with a finger. "And that is precisely why they are the perfect front to acquire this type of materials without attracting the slightest attention. In fact, if we had not been attentive and knew what we were looking for in advance, the idea of turning in that direction would never have crossed our minds."

"But I have a feeling that it's not the only business in the city that works the same way," Kamaji reflected, crossing his arms. His inquisitive gaze fixed like an arrow on his detective. "What made you pay more attention to this one in particular?"

Heizou smiled widely with complacency. He seemed pleased, almost as if he had been eagerly waiting for Kamaji to ask that question.

"Of all the businesses on the list," he explained, "it is the one that appears to have the closest, one might even say personal, relationship with Lady Kamisato Ayaka. She seems to be a frequent customer of the establishment. In fact, we have seen her servant and personal assistant, that foreign boy named Thoma, frequently visit the Naganohara Fireworks facilities. Even this morning, he met with the owner's daughter, Miss Yoimiya. And it wasn't even the first time."

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