Chapter 11. First kiss

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Chapter 11
First kiss

8 years ago...

Ayaka watched in wonder and quite confused as Kazuha held a simple tree leaf to his lips and made it sound like some strange kind of flute. When he told her that it was possible and Katsumoto had taught him how to do it, the future Heron Princess was quite skeptical... until he demonstrated it to her.

That afternoon they were in their favorite place at Kamisato Estate: the main courtyard with the cherry trees. They were both already ten years old by then. The presence of one in the other's house was already the most usual. Their sword skills had improved exponentially in the past couple of years, and Ayaka had continued her rigorous studies, becoming more prepared and knowledgeable about different complex subjects that Kazuha often didn't understand.

But the feeling used to be mutual because there were some topics that Kazuha seemed to know better than Ayaka, and that didn't come in any of the many books that the girl used to study. And, apparently, how to play a simple leaf into a musical instrument was among them...

"It's almost like magic," Ayaka exclaimed, astonished.

"Nothing like that," laughed Kazuha, slightly amused by her reaction. "Try it; it's not very difficult."

At that moment, he extended the leaf to her so that she could take it and try it. Ayaka stared at the thin green leaf, with more surprise in her eyes. Although... this was more for another reason this time.

That leaf... touched his lips. Does he want me to...?

A slight blush appeared on her cheeks. She quickly shook her head, trying to dispel any thoughts that had no place in her mind. And before Kazuha could question if she was alright, she promptly took the leaf and brought it to her lips. However, she stayed a few inches away from them, thoughtful.

Don't be silly, Ayaka. Indirect kisses don't exist...

And convincing herself of this, she placed the green leaf between her lips and began to blow. Something sounded, definitely, but nothing even close to how harmonious and musical Kazuha had done moments ago.

The boy, in turn, tried to stifle a laugh without much success.

"I don't get it," Ayaka mumbled with some frustration. "How do you do it?"

"It's simple," Kazuha replied, suppressing his urge to laugh. He reached down to pick up another leaf similar to the first one. "Look, put it against your lips like this, just like me."

Kazuha repeated the same act as before, again creating a small tune. That proved it hadn't been just luck.

Ayaka tried one more time, getting the same (or worse) result as before.

"Put it a little lower," the light-haired boy told her, "the air has to go through the top. And don't press your lips so tight."

The young Kamisato frowned slightly. A part of her still felt incredulous about all that and thought that maybe Kazuha was somehow playing a prank on her. However, by placing the leaf and her lips just as Kazuha was describing, at one point, the sound she made when blowing sounded better, much better.

"Yes! It sounded!" Ayaka exclaimed excitedly, almost jumping. Quickly she placed the leaf back to her lips. She blew hard... and the leaf shot out into the air, leaving her fingers to now float in front of her and begin to fall.

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