Chapter 15. Welcome back

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Chapter 15
Welcome back

The huge shock on Kazuha and Ayaka's faces was impossible to ignore. Even Kazuha, who had gotten used to the idea that she might be there and so jumped in without delay, had to admit that having her face to face simply left him speechless.

Up close, she was even more beautiful than he had seen the day before from a distance. Her large eyes fixed only on him, her rosy cheeks, her long shiny hair, and her slim and elegant figure... Kazuha felt that he shouldn't even be allowed to see her as directly as he was doing right now.

"Kazuha..." Ayaka murmured slowly, and hearing his name pronounced in her voice made the boy jump a little, almost embarrassed. "I... was looking for..."

Kazuha was silent, waiting to hear whatever she wanted to tell him. Whether it was a claim, a shout, or an insult. Anything would be fine with him right now if it came from her. But Ayaka could not complete her statement because they both realized that the ronin affected by their clash of energies slowly began to stand up once more; also including Katsumoto.

Without either of them having to say it, they both reacted simultaneously, taking their swords and turning in opposite directions in a defensive position. Their backs pressed against each other out of sheer instinct, as they would with any fellow combatant to better cover ground. When they felt the touch of the other behind, both reacted with a start, and they turned to look at each other, embarrassed. The blush on the other's cheeks took them a bit by surprise.

Again there was no time to say anything as more and more of the enemies recovered. They stuck their backs together again, and now they did make an effort to maintain that defensive position. They fixed their gazes straight ahead and held their swords in front of them.

"Do you have a vision?" Kazuha whispered slowly, to which Ayaka nodded.

"You too?" Ayaka muttered right after, to which Kazuha responded the same way.

That was a curious coincidence, or maybe not. It was still a mystery to many how the Archons decided who to give their blessing to and who not. Either way, none of them cared too much about it. Instead, for some reason, knowing this common point between them caused them an unusual... happiness.

Thoma also started to get up at that moment. It had been bruised a bit, but nothing serious. Although looking to his side, he noticed Ouji on the ground, motionless; apparently, the blow had been much more significant for him. But for now, Thoma couldn't worry about the fallen swordsman; he had to find out what had happened, especially to see if Ayaka was okay. It didn't take long to visualize her right in the center of the dojo. And not only was she okay, but she was accompanied by someone Thoma recognized immediately.

«It can't be; it's him...» he thought, surprised and quite confused.

Thoma wasn't the only one who equally recognized Kazuha.

"It's the stupid Kaedehara boy," one ronin snapped angrily. "Let's go to...!"

A trail of purple light crossed right above their heads at that moment, hurtling like lightning. And, in fact, it seemed to be literally lightning...

The bolt struck right before the ronin, slightly burning the wooden floor. The silhouette of a person formed in a blink right at that point, standing between Kazuha and the thieves.

"What...?!" they exclaimed, astonished, instinctively taking a step back.

As the flash and smoke cleared, all that remained in its place was the figure of the wandering samurai, Tomo; his head bowed and his right-hand firm on the hilt of his sword.

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