Chapter 40. Go Together

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Chapter 40
Go Together

Ayaka removed the haori from the kimono rack and gently helped Kazuha try it on. Once she saw him with the garment on, she was amazed at how well the colors suited him. The dark tones contrasted with his skin and hair color, and the warm tones converged with his pretty crimson eyes.

"I think it suits well," Kazuha stated, extending an arm to the side. In addition to the colors, the size turned out to be, luckily, more than adequate. The length of the coat and the sleeves were just right.

"I'm glad it fits you well," Ayaka sighed, relieved. She was standing behind Kazuha, running her hands slowly over the swordsman's shoulders, trying to smooth out any wrinkles. "The good thing is that the idea is that it was a loose garment. But since I didn't have your exact sizes, they had to use me as a model, and I only asked that they widen the shoulders a little. As a child, we had similar complexions, remember? So much so that we could wear each other's workout clothes without a problem. But we're not kids anymore... right?"

As she spoke, her hands slowly, almost without meaning to, ran over the boy's shoulders and arms. At her touch, the shape of his back and the thickness of his arms became more than appreciable. Yeah, definitely, he was not a kid anymore. It was clear that his body had grown fitter and stronger over the years and the time he had spent traveling and training. He looked and felt much manlier...

Ayaka jumped, almost scared to realize what she was doing, but mainly what she was thinking. She quickly withdrew her hands and stepped back, trying to keep her movements graceful and calm and not reflect her nervousness. Her flushed cheeks sure did that job well on their own.

The young Heron Princess cleared her throat a little and spoke more calmly.

"They assured me the fabric is strong enough, but I still asked for a double lining, as you may have noticed. This will help to protect and warm you more during your travels, and it will also make it more durable outdoors. Tell me, how do you feel? Do you like it?"

"It's perfect," Kazuha murmured with quiet enthusiasm. He turned to her at that moment, outlining one of his smiles that, although small, reflected a marked generosity and honesty. "And it is even more so knowing how much you thought of me when you ordered it done. Thank you very much, Ayaka."

He leaned his body towards her slightly with a respectful bow. Ayaka's face lit up again.

"No... you're welcome," she murmured, slightly nervous. "I am happy to know that you like it. I hope it helps you in your travels and... well..."

The blue-haired girl turned to the side. She felt the urge to hide her face behind one of her fans, but she had none on hand, so she slowly raised her left arm instead, slightly hiding behind the pink sleeve of her yukata.

"I also hope you think of me while wearing it," she whispered slowly, almost as if she hoped he wouldn't hear her. Of course, Kazuha did, though, and his face lit up at first with slight astonishment, but almost immediately, he smiled again.

"After these days we've spent together, it will be almost impossible for me not to think of you every second of my trip," he suddenly pronounced directly, without any hesitation. Ayaka fidgeted, surprised that he could say something like that so easily.

Ayaka felt her face burn again and her heart pound. It wasn't usual for her to show her emotions as clearly as she was surely doing. But when it came to Kazuha... she just couldn't help it.

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