•Chapter One•

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Chapter-1 Scene-I ❛ Jeon Jungkook ❜

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Chapter-1 Scene-I
❛ Jeon Jungkook ❜



And just like any other, that day too, had also started off with the yell of the pelican our protagonist had been trying to avoid the whole morning.

"Coming step-mother." Sighing, the brunette got off the floor he was cleaning and wiped his wet hands on the hem of the worn out shirt he had on (the one which had holes at the most inappropriate of places). It's not like he doesn't own clothes, it's just he likes wearing the torn old ones while working, which is literally all the time.

Jeon Jungkook , 17 , beautiful , apparently had a face and personality which could melt anyone's heart, but by the looks of how his life has been treating him so far, God probably didn't love him like he loved all of his other creations.

Orphan, trapped, afraid, lost and tired are the words which would certainly describe him the best, his carefree childhood now like a magical dream he seemed to have woken up from but most certainly wanted to return to again.

Have courage and be kind.

Taking a deep breath and repeating his mother's last words to him in his mind over and over again, in order to prepare himself for what was coming at him, he crossed the long hallway and the flight of stirs reaching the ground floor, trotting around the parlour and then into the dining room attached to the massive kitchen. On the fancy dining table sat a ridiculously average looking lady with a straw hat on her head (no seriously what is the use of wearing a hat inside the house) wearing a pale purple gown full of shit load amount of frills hanging here and there, something to be worn by young girls, something inappropriate for a lady her age (blame it on the society)to wear.

The woman had her faced caked with make up. The color of her face two shades paler than the shade of her neck and arms clarifying the clear excessive use of foundation and white powder, the color of her eyeshadow as purple as fresh wine, and her lipstick the darkest shade of black. Her slightly wrinkled hands were covered in lace gloves as she held a tea cup with her fingers, making a face of as if she had tasted her own shit.

"Yes step-mother?" Jungkook replied in the most normal voice his tired self could muster.

"How many times have I told you not to call me step-mother!" The pelican yelled slamming the cup on the table. As she did, her front teeth which seemed to have shared a bit of the lipstick her lips were covered in, were on full display.

"Sorry madam", Jungkook held his head down. He knew the consequences of staring back at his step mother when she yelled at him and he didn't want to stand in the rain the whole night again.

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