•Chapter Twenty Two•

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Chapter-22, Scene-I❛ Enjoy It While It Lasts, For Your God Doesn't Love you❜

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Chapter-22, Scene-I
❛ Enjoy It While It Lasts, For Your God Doesn't Love you❜


Jungkook sucked in a soundless breath through his mouth and closed his eyes. Of course he was just a bloody commoner who also happened to be an orphan, not to mention a subject to physical and mental abuse in his own freaking house as a cherry on top, but thanks to the lovely fairy godmother, he was caught up in the biggest turmoil of his entire life.

Because of the magic, and the dress the fairy had given him, the prince of his kingdom, is convinced, that Jungkook is a prince from another kingdom - a freaking prince. His sweating became even more intense as he struggled to come up with either a excuse or a way to convince Taehyung that he is not a prince and actually just a commoner who happened to get really, really lucky.


Who was he even kidding? There is absolutely no way he would be able to come up with any sort of efficient way to fool the prince into thinking despite all the obvious proof that he isn't who he thinks of him to be. Hell, what is he even supposed to say? That he is just a commoner, who, randomly came in contact with a magical fairy, the ones you read about in fairy tales, who only took a bowl of milk for payment and completely transformed him into a completely different person simply because, well, simply because the universe commanded it??and then vanished into thin air by transforming into a white pigeon like nothing happened? Yes, It sounded like some real royal bullshit right there, try telling this to the next person and they might ask you for the stuff you have been smoking to achieve such peak hallucinations.

Even I would have had a hard time believing it if someone were to tell me about the entire ordeal second hand, how can I expect him to believe me anyways?

The grey headed prince was patiently waiting for Jungkook to say something, who on the other hand, was just standing there with a numb and dumb expression on his face. Taehyung knew this expression, in the little time he had come to have known the brunet, it's the expression he made when he escaped into a deep headspace, thinking god knows what.

"What's wrong?", Taehyung asked finally, after countless painful moments, "Did I say something wrong your highness?"

Jungkook cringed internally at the honorific. Earlier, he was so in the haze of the dance and the music falling to his ears that he hasn't really paid much attention or mind to him being refered to as 'your highness' all along, hell he had even thought that perhaps it was the Prince's mannerisms and ethics where he referred to everyone as his equal, but he didn't know that the case was completely opposite.

He glanced at the waiting eyes of the older and squealed internally.

He is too cute for me to lie to his face, but it's not like I have a choice now is it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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