•Chapter Two•

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Chapter-2, Scene-I❛ His majesty, Kim Taehyung ❜

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Chapter-2, Scene-I
His majesty, Kim Taehyung


The echo of the clash of pristine steel swords resounded around the open field like an old song singing the praises of ancient warriors, invariable and powerful.

The widest training field in the Kingdom, with all its mighty greeny glory under the clear blue sky, was filled entirely by soldiers, clad in their training leather gear and sweat dripping down from their bodies like waterfall. People may not think of this place to be more than a piece of land full of sweaty, stinky males, grunting and huffing while training to literally keep themselves alive during battle, but looking at all the women who gathered at the edge of the ground jumping and squealing half to death, one may be forced to think otherwise.

The soldiers were training in different units. The charioteers were training with the horses while the archers were perfecting their aim, the shirtless foot soldiers were jogging around the large field in sync while the castle guards and personal bodyguards were swinging around their spears, cutting the air with a crisp sound. The maids and butlers were running around tending to everyone's need and the constant shouts of enthusiastic officers, yelling out commands and instructions, motivated everyone to bring out the best in themselves. None of them were idle.

However, the special force unit, known as "The Orenron", the one comprising of mere 20 strong hearts, specialising in carrying out high risk secret missions with upmost perfection were standing in a circle around the weirdest duo of the strongest Kingdom of the continent. Kimansa.

The duo was that of the leader General of Orenron, the Black knight, Park Jimin.

-And the heart of Kimansa. The soul which could not be ripped out and the future which could not be torn. The living angel, their adored and cherished, the only prince of the kingdom, Kim Taehyung.

They were both shirtless, small cuts decorating their bodies which were bathed in sweat, their black eyes on each other unmoving, filled with unfazed concentration and intent to win, their smiles not leaving their faces as they dueled together, the echo of their swords loud and stunning.

"You think you can defeat me at least today?"
Taehyung teased with a smirk as they jumped back a step and circled one another, their sword pointed in each other's directon.

"You are concerned because my soldiers are watching?" Jimin swirled his weapon in his hand flawlessly as a showcase of Talent, getting a few complimentary claps from the Orenron soldiers.

"What can I say, I don't want to ruin your image of a strong knight in front of them"

"You don't have to worry about that cause I will be trashing you today"

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