•Chapter Nine•

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Chapter-9, Scene-I❛"Pancakes?Yummy!" - Floor❜

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Chapter-9, Scene-I
"Pancakes?Yummy!" - Floor❜


He doesn't remember how long it's been, but after what seemed like hours, Taehyung finally found it in himself to push his body off the carpeted floor and made a trip to the bathroom for the second time of the day.

When he looked into the golden mirror, a man looked back at him, a man who had two hopeless orbs for where his eyes have been and a lighting like scar over half his face. The man's makeup was washed off due to the rundown of the pathetic showcase of self pity, and whose cheeks were stained with the evidence of the same.

Sighing, he splashed some cold water over his face in a feeble attempt to provide ease to the splitting headache which, with no doubt, had already worsened ten fold.

When he was done, with the water running, he let go of his thoughts, letting them run around and form their own equations.

He had learned quite a lot in the limited time the day had offered him, the first and the most obvious one being that he was still not capable enough to be the King of Kimansa. No matter how hard he had tried, at the end of the day, he couldn't even control himself.

You see Taehyung has this unique condition.

He thought about the conversation he had heard between his father and Jimin, how they were trying their best to save him, their lives and the Kingdom, of how hard they were trying to protect the very opportunity he had been working hard his entire life for.

He felt immense guilt bubble up in his chest, something which was not new to the young Prince.Taehyung would have cried if he had any tears left to shed, for he hated the feeling of guilt, so hard and tight, almost suffocating. It was like being in debt and still not being able to payback. His father and his best friend didn't deserve someone like him in their life, something that destroyed every bit of peace they had, something so powerful that could be stopped only at the cost of bloodshed.

He began overthinking, looking around, sweat dripping from his body, his palms gripping the scalp to manually maintain his sanity.

He felt sadness for the families of the one he killed yesterday, even though it wasn't really him, it was still his hands who took the life right out of someone else's reason to live. How will he able to look in the eyes of the people, as a malicious monster as he is? Truth to be told, he can't, he wouldn't be able to, not without punishing himself first.

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