•Chapter Nineteen•

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Chapter-19, Scene-1❛ To Kill yourself ❜ __________________🦋

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Chapter-19, Scene-1
❛ To Kill yourself ❜

The scene was beheld, like thousands of twinkling stars had walked down upon the earth, to bless the living with a taste of stardust which perhaps only gods had ever truly been familiar with. Common and middle class folk swarmed the castle grounds like bees would towards a particularly fragrant flower, ready to take with them all those honey scented sweet memories of a lifetime back home to look back upon the rest of their boring, tasteless and uneventful lives.

Being invited to a Royal Ball (doesn't matter it was forced, everyone was too lost in planning on to what to wear to the party to impress the rich to even pay heed to it anymore), was definitely an honor and opportunity of a lifetime for creatures with mundane lifestyles, to mingle with the upperclass and to make as many connections as possible.

And hence, just as the order had said, not one youth, whether male or female were excluded from the glamorous night, and had individually done their absolute best to blend in with the Royals and Upperclass as much as possible. It was obvious that there were a lot which were unhappy too, but the majority seemed to have found happiness in the implementation of the Royal code it seemed, much to nobody's surprise.

Common folk of the capital flooded the main gate of the Royal castle of Kimansa as beautiful fireworks exploded, brightening up the night sky with their beautiful flowery and colorful patterns. The main gate of the Royal Castle was by no means, a small or narrow entryway, but the hoards of people rushing in to be in the presence of lavishness as soon as possible has proven it to be quite the otherwise.

Guards, struggled to manage the ridiculous amount of guests as the people stumbled their way through and followed the well lit stoned floor and towards the Ballroom. The women, in beautiful ball gowns and jewelery, adorned with lacey hand fans and handkerchief covering their faces, pointed and giggled with no limit, happy to simply be alive while the men and boys, with their lavish suits and swept back hair trained their eyes on all the beauties, both the parties seeming hellbent of leaving the Ballroom with a gracious partner, adorned with a love story of their lifetime. Some thrived on even a mere delusion of a love story. (A/N : cause delulu is the solulu).

Little did they know, that a love story will take place between these very walls, and it will be no less extraordinary. A little dark, a little gloomy, but utterly extraordinary.
For the people who have claimed that monsters can't be loved are about to be proven oh very wrong.

The crowd often parted to give way to the lavish carriages entering through the main gate, carriages carrying the most esteemed of Royals from all around the continent, followed by the smaller carriages of the noblesman not much after, invited to potentially grab the attention of the the only heir to one of the most powerful Kingdoms in the world. Young Princes and Princesses of all enthnicities made their presence known, presenting not only themselves, but the place where they came from, their Kingdom, home and culture.

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