•Chapter Fourteen•

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A U T H O R 'S • N O T E 5k words ya'all

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A U T H O R 'S • N O T E
5k words ya'all. My hands are bleeding, I have dark circles.
I hope u like it <3

Chapter-14, Scene-1
❛ When Dumb Meets Dumber❜


Jungkook woke up from his random nightmare in a daze, his hair all over the place, his head, chest and limbs thumping with a dull yet rigid pain, as if they have been cramped for a long period of time. He didn't know where he was or what he was doing as no sudden memories made themselves known to him. He gently guided his hands towards his face to rub his eyes out of the blurring vision.

The first thing which he noticed with his blurry eyesight was a pair of black and white blobs exactly in his line of sight situated far away from him, making soft sounds. When his vision cleared a little more, the blobs, cleared up to be 2 horses, one black and one white standing right next to a giant tree. Both the horses looked awfully familiar to him but he couldn't keep a finger on it, given his mind was still shrouded amongst the clouds of a thick daze.

Jungkook closed his eyes and in a lazy follow up, snuggled deeper into the soft, fleshy tree trunk to get some extra few minutes of sleep, anticipating to feel clearer and fresher when he wakes up again.

Soft fleshy tree trunk?

At the sudden weird thought, his mind travelled to all the weird textures he felt all over his body, but particularly settled to the feeling of soft comfort of the forest floor under his thighs and hips.

Soft comfort of the forest floor???

Snapped out of the daze, Jungkook's eyes drastically open in shock, questioning his whereabouts and his positioning. At once he tried getting up, from the soft comfort of the forest floor, only to get pulled back down by something heavy weighing down on his waist. His back hit the fleshy tree truck, and much to his surprise, the fleshy tree trunk let out a pained moan.

The fleshy tree trunk let out a pained moan???

"Wow you seem energetic for someone who nearly died of a heart attack.", the 'fleshy tree trunk' let out in a deep dark gurgled voice, the voice which one possess after freshly waking up from a deep slumber.

Jungkook, feeling the heaviness around his waist get a little tighter, with his movements stilling and his eyes going as wide as saucers, swifty (rather comically) turned his head to his left to meet with a face very close to his own, his own brown eyes immediately being held captive by a pair of fierce grey irises staring down into his soul.

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