•Chapter Eleven•

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Chapter-11, Scene-1 ❛ Trigger and the Tiger❜

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Chapter-11, Scene-1
❛ Trigger and the Tiger❜

(Comment a lot or I am gonna cry)


It was as if the entire forest had come to life. The breeze which was flowing ever so slowly, picked up speed and strength and resonated through the wilderness, seemingly stitring up each and every leaf, each and every strand. Panicked birds flew away with their flocks, crickets began singing their last song before heading back home and small animals hid themselves away. It was all suddenly very loud, as if the forest has picked up it's pulse, one similar to Jungkook's rapidly beating heart.

His body was paralyzed, the blood had rushed out of his face, and he felt cold all the way to the core of his bones. Jungkook knew, that pretending to be alright will bring him no peace, as feeling alright, was so far away from the truth, that you couldn't even begin to see it until a couple of years later, in the case scenerio where he had lost all of his memories.

For in this life, feeling alright, seemed near impossible.

The hunter who stepped out of the bushes on a shiny, and surprisingly large black horse, was not someone who he was expecting to see. He had no scar, he had no armour as he had expected to see on a soldier, and most importantly, he didn't look like he recognized Jungkook and tried to attack him like the stranger from the alley the night before had tried to, the evidence of which was still fresh on Jungkook's neck.

And yet he was paralyzed, paralyzed to the point where even breathing seemed to be a little too difficult of a task. He knew that he was wrong, he knew that he was safe (for now), and yet, just at the mere thought of the possibility of encountering that bastard again, put all of his systems into a frenzy.

Jungkook was traumatized more than he thought he would be.

He did not like that.

Given, he began having a panic attack.

He hunched down, holding onto the clothes over his heart in a tight grip, struggling to breathe. His mind was going dizzy as the memories from last night, mercilessly made their way into his active mind, making him relive the dread all over again and again with the same scenes repeating.

His face went from pale to deep red, as all the blood now rushed to his face. His body went light, and he felt that he could throw up.

"-makes me want to kiss you senseless."

Jungkook's breathing began harder, and he hunched down completely, with his forehead on Snow's neck.

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