•Chapter Three•

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... For sensitive and abusive topics. No matter how mild the other readers think the topics are , I still want to put up a trigger warning for people who might be affected. I don't want to hurt anyone. So please, don't report... Again.

Chapter-3, Scene I
The Ostrich called Min Keres


In a crowded market not too far away, Jungkook sneezed.

"Oh god. Now is not the time to be getting sick you brat", he told himself as he walked around the busy market, wiping his nose in his sleeves. He had certainly picked the worst time to go shopping for this was the only hour the local market was crowded for everyone came to buy things for their houses which will last them the whole day.

Well it's not his fault that Keres decided to act like a bitch the first thing in the morning and he had to get out to get some fresh air.

Jungkook didn't have anything to buy but he knew that after making that excuse if he returns back empty handed, his head will not be spared. With shiver running down his spine he looked around for potential ingredients which would convince the cunning Keres, that he indeed came shopping for the material they ran out of.

The smell of freshly made bread and street food triggered his hunger but also calmed his nerves. The children playing around reminded him of his own childhood, when he was carefree and loved.

Jungkook decided that he would take a small walk around before buying anything, to try and delay the return back home as much as possible. Swinging the bag around, he bought some fishcake from a stall and ate it for breakfast. He doesn't even know what kind of mood Keres is harbouring right now and whether or not will he receive the luxury of eating breakfast at home today, so he wanted to eat atleast something in the worst case scenario.

After spending 30 minutes in the market and buying some spices, a block of cheese, a jar of strawberry jam, bread and apples as Yoongi had asked him to, Jungkook was returning back to the house with a smile, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Weepy peepy?"

Turning around to the sweet voice with a heavy frown on his face as a reaction to the weird familiar name, his eyes were met with another pair of ocean blue eyes.

Park Roseanne.

Jungkook's one and only friend. A beautiful 19 year old aristocratic lady, with long blonde hair, mesmerizing blue eyes and a captivating voice. She stood at the height of 5'3 and was just a little shorter than Jungkook, light brown skin complimented her features as her smile brightened up even the darkest of rooms. She was a kind and a well mannered lady, as expected of an aristocrat who came from a rich powerful family in direct ties with the royalty. The most important of all, she was the brunet's childhood friend.

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