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It was early in the morning. The sun was shining through a crack in the curtains. A ray of sunshine was shining on Meredith's face. She slowly opened her eyes and buried her face in her pillow. Today was going to be a horrible day. 

Today she had to help her sister with planning her wedding. Her baby sister was going to get married this summer. 

"Get out of bed Mer!" Lexie barged into Meredith's bedroom. "Mmm...go away Lexie" mumbled Meredith. Lexie ignored the order and plopped next to Meredith on the bed.

"I can't believe it's been two weeks sinds Mark proposed. It was so romantic."

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard it enough times." Meredith didn't want to hear the story of how they got engaged for the 20th time. It's not that she is not happy for Lexie but she has never been in a serious relationship before. She has always struggled with commitment issues, but now she thinks she is ready for something reel. She's been longing for so long but she hasn't met the right guy yet, and now her baby sister is getting married.

"Allright I won't tell you again but please get out of the bed, we have to start the preparations for my engagement party!"

Meredith finally gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. She strips out of her clothes and takes a nice, hot shower. After she is done, she lets het hair air dry and dresses herself in grey sweatpants and a comfortable sweater. 

"Okey Lexie, what do we have to do?" 

"Well, sinds the party is in 3 days and we have nothing planned yet, we have to come up with a plan fast. About 40 people have confirmed the invitation so we need a lot of food and booze."

"Allright I'll take care of that if you and Mark take care of the decorations. I have to go to the story anyway."

"Okey, thanks Mer! I'll see you later!"

*2 day's later*

"Hey Lex! I'm here!" Meredith walks into Mark an Lexie's apartment while carrying bags full of food and alcohol. She might have gone a little overboard on the booze but it's worth it, her sister is getting married after all. 

"Thanks Mer!" Everything is set for the engagement party tomorrow. The apartment is decorated, there is music and enough food and booze. Everything is just perfect. 

"Hey Lex, Derek just called. His plane just landed and he is waiting in line for his luggage." Mark said to Lexie. "I still have to run some errands before tomorrow, can you pick him up?"

"Oh no! I still have to pick an outfit for tomorrow. I was planning on doing that now, but now I have to go pick up Derek which will take at least an hour. An hour I can't miss because I still have to pick out the outfit and knowing myself that will at least take the whole evening." Lexie rambled while pacing the room.

"Relax Lexie." Meredith placed her hands on Lexie's shoulders to stop her from pacing and rambling. "I'll pick the guy up, who is he exactly?"

"Derek Shepherd, Mark's best friend. He is flying in from New York. He is moving here upcoming summer." 

"Allright I'll go and pick him up right now, you just worry about the perfect outfit for tomorrow." "Thanks Mer! You're a lifesaver!"  Meredith walks out of the apartment down to her car. She opens the door and sits down behind the weel. She starts the car and turns the music on loud. She sings along to the radio while driving to the airport of Seattle. 

Meredith POV

After about 30 minutes I arrive at the airport. While I wait outside of the car I spot a tall, handsome, dark curly-haired man. I can' t help but stair at him for a second. Wow... Anyways, she isn't that girl anymore. She want a real relationship. She looks away and looks at her phone again. After a few seconds she can't help but look up from her phone to find het handsome man again. To her surprise the man I walking towards her. She looks confused until the man stands right in front of her, sticking out his hand. "Hi, I'm Derek Shepherd, and you must be Meredith." 

*Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this story. This is in fact my very first story so I'm very curious what you guys think so far. 

If you have any suggestions, tips or wishes please let me know!*

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