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Derek's POV

It was 3am and we were in bed, sleeping. My eyes shot open and I was wide awake. It was shrill. Loud. Meredith's screams send him into an immediate panic. His concernes were somewhat eased when he saw she was sleeping. But still...why was she screaming in her sleep. Her arms were wildly swinging around as she laid on her back. Tears were staining her face. I was in shock.

"I'm sorry...I...no!" She cries out. "I don't...we...Please..."

"Meredith! Meredith!" I say softly as I try to shake her awake. She didn't wake up so I softly rub her arm, still calling her name.

Her eyes flash open as she looks up at me. My heart shattered as she I saw her bloodshot eyes. She has tear stains down her cheeks. As she looked up at me the screams quieted down but the tears continued to flow.

"Hold me Derek, please hold me" She mutters as she pushes herself closer to me. I quickly wrap my arms around her and hold her close. She buries her head deep into my chest as the sniffles continue.

"Hey, honey. Are you okey?" I whispered while I rubbed her back with my palm.

"Please, just hold me." Meredith told me as she sniffles. I keep holding her as tight a possible. It was clear she didn't want to talk about it but it seemed horrible.

"Just a bad dream" she added after a while. I know that is not the whole story. It can't be but I choose to ignore it for now and just keep her comfortable.

"I'm sorry you had a bad dream" I tell her softly while wiggling out form under her.

"Where are you going?!" She asked in panic. Her eyes watering up again.

"To get you some water." I say as I pull my pyjama pants on.

"No...please come back." She says with a shocking voice. "I need you"

"Okey" I crawl back in bed. I feel guilty for letting her go. I turned my face so I could look at her. My hand moved to the side of her head and my thumb caresses her cheek. I while her tears away as her eyes close again. "You are okey Mer, I'm here. You're safe" I whisper. I press a kiss to her temple and lay my head next to hers. I hope the rest of the night is going to go okey. I dazzle off back to sleep while keeping Meredith as close as possible.

*That morning*

Meredith's POV

I wake up around 9am. Derek is still asleep and has his arms wrapped tightly around me. I feel safe. Last night was weird, scary. I am grateful Derek managed to calm me down. I shouldn't have gotten so upset over a dream. I was scared, terrified. Upset. Mostly upset. I am not ready for this. All of this...

I wiggle out of Derek's tight grasp and walk to the bathroom. I take advantage of the peace and quiet that is still in the air while Derek sleeps. I take a nice and long shower. I take my time to clear my head. I shave my legs and lotion my body. I pull on my light blue low cut hipster panties and matching bra. These panties aren't sexy or hot. They're comfortable, and cute. Which is exactly what I need today. I walk out of the bathroom in just my underwear. I go back to our bedroom and look through my closet. I try to stay as quiet as possible because I don't want to disturb Derek but I don't stay quiet enough.

"Good morning beautiful. You look good today" He says with a deep, sleepy voice. "Come back to bed" He pouts while he strokes my side of the bed. He opens the blanket for me.

"Der, I already took a shower..."

"It's Sunday. Please?" I can see in his eyes he really wants me to come back to bed.

"Nope" I tease him a little bit.

"I asked very nicely!" He says. His voice has a hint of disappointment in it.

"Alright, alright." I playfully roll my eyes and crawl back under the blankets. He immediately pulls me closer to his chest. I rest my head on his chest and my finger lazily plays with his chest hair. He presses kisses to the top of my head and I can feel him breathing me in.

"Your hair smells good" He says as he takes a sniff of my hair.

"Lavender" I whisper

"Lavender" he breathes. "It's amazing"

We stay in bed until noon. Me head stays on Derek's chest. I listen to his heartbeat as it calms down and steadies. Derek is back asleep. As hard as I try I can't sleep anymore. I just stay on his chest and keep listening. I keep appreciating his company. His warm body agains mine. His strong arms lightly wrapped around me.

I keep thinking about how I'm going to tell Derek about the pregnancy. I probably have to find out if he want children first. What if he says no? What if he hates kids. I'm getting stressed out again so I get out of bed and head downstairs. I start setting the table up for breakfast. It's Sunday so usually we eat together at the table. Normally Derek heads down to the local bakery but he is still in bed so I decide to go.

I quickly change into some manageable clothes and head down to the bakery. I pick out some bread and pastries and go back home. When I walk inside I see Derek in the kitchen. He is making fresh orange juice and coffee.

"Good morning honey" I walk up to him and give him a kiss.

"Hey. You already went to the bakery?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah. You were still in bed so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Thank you" he whispers as he leans in. He presses a soft kiss on my lips and I can taste him on me.

We sit down at the table. We talk about what we are going to do today and we talk about our upcoming workweek. We are talking and laughing and everything is going great until Derek drops a little bomb on me...

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