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Derek wakes up and gets out of bed straight into the shower. While he stands under the hot streaming water he thinks about the things that happened last evening. The dinner was lovely and the late night walk was amazing but he can't believe what happened after. Don't get me wrong, he loved it, he just never thought Meredith would let him kiss her. Derek smiles at the thought of kissing her. He shakes the thought out of his head. It will probably never happen again anyway. He gets out of the shower and gets ready for work.

Meredith also gets ready for work. After a short sleep she is surprisingly well rested and ready to go to work. She drives to work and when she gets there she sees Derek's car already in the parking lot. She has decided to avoid Derek today. Yesterday's kiss was good, very good, but also complicated. It was supposed to be a friendly 'date' and besides she knows the man for what 3 months? 3 months in which they only saw each other for about 2 weeks.

Meredith walks in to her classroom and the first students come in. She teaches a few classes and after a while it is time for lunch. She walks over to the cafeteria and grabs herself some lunch. She sees Derek in the distance and Derek sees her. Their eyes lock and they stayed locked for a while. Their hearts start to race and a blush washes over their faces. They both don't know why but every time they see each other they can't stop thinking about the other. Before Meredith walks back to her classroom she crosses paths with Derek and she brushes her hand over his upper arm. She lingers for a moment before she moves on.

"Great job Mer. The plan to avoid Derek didn't really work out." Meredith thinks to herself. She rolls her eyes at herself and eats her lunch. She has to find Derek after work, she has to know what the kiss ment to him.

* After school*

It's already 4.30 pm as Meredith finishes her day of teaching. She cleans up her classroom, packs her bag and walks out. She is determent to find Derek. First she heads down to his office. She knocks at the door but nobody answers. She tries the doorknob to see if it is open and it is. Unfortunately it is empty. She heads down to the parking lot to see if his car is still there and it is. She heads back inside wandering the halls until she reaches the gym.

She walks in and she sees Derek shooting hoops by himself. He is shirtless and only wearing basketball shorts. Sweat is dripping down his muscular body. She can clearly see his six pac and the v-line that shows itself at the top of his shorts. Her jaw slightly drops and she can't help but stare at the perfection in front of her. Derek hasn't seen her yet so he continues his practice.

A ball rolls away in Merediths direction and that is when he notices her. "Meredith, hey." He looks at her and sees her checking him out. He smirks. "What are you doing here?

"Oh, uhm... I think we need to talk..."

"I was afraid this moment would come." He sighs. He puts the balls back in the rack and they sit down on the stands.

"What does this mean Derek?"

"What do you want it to mean?"

"I don't know..." She looks up at him but quickly stares at the ground again.

"I don't know Mer. I am not going to lie to you and tell you I feel nothing for you but I don't want to scare you away."

" Also have a feeling there is something more to this, I just don't know what." She says shyly.

"Let me take you out on a date, a real date this time." Derek asks her. He looks her in the eyes and gives her a soft smile while slightly tilting his head, his eyes sparkling.

"I don't know Derek. We barely know each other and we already kissed and to make things worse we are co-workers. Everybody knows it is a bad idea to start dating a co-worker." Meredith rambles on.

Derek smiles at her rambling. He puts his hand on her thigh, calming her dow. "Listen, I wasn't talking about a relationship, I wal talking about dating. Let me take you out and we will go from there." Derek gives her a smile.

Meredith can't help but smile back at him. She lets out a heavy sigh and agrees to a date. "Okey, but it better be a really good date." She grins.

"Don't you worry, I am very good at dating." he smirks.

Meredith playfully hits his arm and rolls her eyes. "I think I am going to go now." she says. "Bye Derek."

Derek gives her a tight hug and Meredith wraps her hands around his muscular back. Derek gives her a soft kiss on the cheek and Meredith walks out of the gym. After a long day she can finally go home and relax on the couch. She spends the rest of the evening watching classic romantic movies and eating ice cream. Her mind can't help but wander off to Derek once in a while.

Derek on the other hand has other things on his mind. He takes a shower in his private bathroom at school. While soaping himself up, he thinks about the perfect date. He likes this girl so her really has to impress her. He thinks about taking her out to dinner again but he quickly throws that idea out of his head sinds they went out for dinner last time. This date has to be something special. It is the first 'real' date after all. After his shower he drys himself off and puts some clean clothes on. While walking down to his car he gets the perfect idea for their date. He already knows Meredith is going to love this.

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