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Derek's POV

In about an hour the plane will land in Greece. Meredith had woken up a couple of times but right now she is asleep again. God I can't wait to show her my families holiday destination. We used to come here every summer break and I am beyond happy I can finally share this happy place with someone other than my family. I never brought any past girlfriends here because I didn't feel comfortable. But with Meredith it feel different, it feels right.

The plane is landing and I wake Meredith up. I press little kisses to her cheek and I can feel her starting to stir in her seat. Her nose crunches up and she stretches her whole body. I chuckle at her cuteness. "Are we there?" She asks with sleepy eyes.

"Yes Mer. We are finally here."

The plane lands and we exit the plane. I lead us to the luggage claim and I take both of our suitcases. Meredith grabs my arm and we exit the airport. I can't wait for this vacation to begin. We take a cab to the house. Meredith is staring out of the window with wide eyes.

"My god Derek, it's absolutely stunning here." She gasps in awe.

"I know. My family and I have come here sinds I was a baby. I loved coming here every year and just relax. Even as a teenager I looked forward to coming here. The beaches are so calming at night and during the day the small town is one of the best places to be." I smile at all the memories that pop up in my head. Hopefully I can add some more after these two weeks.

We arrive at the villa and I carry our luggage to the front door. Meredith runs towards the door and jumps up and down in excitement. I am happy to see she is excited about our trip. I knew she would love it but I was still a little afraid. I would have hated it if she wasn't exited.

I open the door and we walk in. I place the luggage in the hallway and look around the house. It looks exactly like I remember. The beautiful open living room and the amazing view on the ocean. The giant windows acting like walls on one side of the house and the white walls on the other sides. The walls are covered in pictures of the family. The kitchen in gigantic with a cooking island right in the middle. The kitchen is also white, just like the rest of the house.

When you walk outside out the back you are faced with a huge pool. A big lawn and some stairs are located behind the pool. The stairs lead to a beautiful piece of private beach. The sea is very clear and the white sand is gorgeous.

Meredith explores all rooms of the big house. Derek follows her and shows every inch of the house with pride. The memories keep floating back as they finally reach the beach. Meredith kicks her shoes off and runs up to the water. Se walks along the shore and I quickly follow her.

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The villa from the inside and outside

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The villa from the inside and outside

"And?" I ask hopeful. "What do you think so far?" I look at her and grab her slightly smaller hand in mine. Our hands fit together perfectly.

"I love it! The house is so beautiful and this beach...!" She sight in awe. Het eyes are wide and full of joy. She skips along the beach and I can't keep the smile of my face. She amazes me, every single time.

"What do you say? Should we check the town out? I know this place where they serve amazing typical Greek food.

"Yes, please!" She pleads. "I'm starving! I do want to unpack first, if you don't mind."

"Of course not. It gives me some time to go to the store and get us some necessities. Do you need something?"

"Uhm." She thinks for a moment before answering me. "I think we need some snacks like chips or chocolate or something. And definitely some wine!"

"Sounds like a good plan" I got back to the house and I went to the store while Meredith unpacked our suitcases. I got her the things she asked for and I also bought her a nice bouquet of flowers.

When I got back Meredith was strolling along the pictures on the walls. The frames contained pictures of me and my family when we were younger.

"Look at that little boy with the Afro!" She exclaims. She reaches up to my face and squeezes my cheeks. I must say you had an amazing glow up." She giggles and kisses me on the lips.

"I know. The Afro was horrible. You know one year I actually dyed my hair blue? It looked terrible but at the time I thought it was the coolest thing on the entire planet." I chuckle thinking back at the horrible choices I made as a teenager.

"No way!" Blue? Seriously?!" She laughs out loud and the sound makes me beyond happy.

"Yes...I know, blue. It wasn't even a pretty dark blue type of blue but it was this ugly blue/green/ turquoise-ish kind of blue."

"Derek..." she is trying to hold back her laughter but fails. I join in and we both laugh about my terrible appearance in high school."

"I guess it's for the better we didn't meet in high school." I chuckle.

"Why's that?"

"A girl like you would never date a guy like me." I pout.

"I think you don't have the right picture of me in high school in mind." She chuckles. "All through high school I dyed my hair pink and I acted terrible. I was rebellious and rude but I always scored good on tests so the teachers and students, actually just everybody, hated me. I hated everyone too except for my best friend Cristina."

"Wow...I didn't expect that." I say in disbelief. "I need to know more." Laughs escape our mouths and we walk out of the house. After I locked up we walked to the town nearby. During the walk we talked about our lives in high school. Telling each other all about our embarrassing moments and hilarious events.

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