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No ones POV

Meredith and Derek are just hanging out in his office. Derek is working on the lineup for the Football team. He was asked by the principal to coach the team this season and he gladly accepted the offer. He loves high school football and he was coach of the team at his precious school. Meredith is preparing tomorrow's bio lessons. They are both working in comfortable silence when Meredith's phone rings.

"Sorry I have to take this." Meredith walks out of the office leaving Derek alone. When she comes back Derek's heart skips a beat. She looks very upset, tears are slowly falling down her cheeks. Derek quickly jumps to his feet and is immediately at her side.

"What's wrong?" A soft and caring tone in his voice.

"I-my-I" she stutters. "It's my mom." She sobs. "She has been in an accident. She is in the hospital now. My dad just informed me but he says it's not looking good"

"Come here." Derek pulls Meredith closer to him. She snuggles into his chest. Her tears soak his T-shirt but he doesn't care.

"I... have to... go to the ... hospital." She say in between sobs.

"Yes of course. I'll drive you there."

"No, Derek. They live in Boston. The hospital is in Boston."

"Okey than I'll come with you to Boston" he says, still holding her tight.

"No you don't have to do that. I'm sure you are needed here."

"I think they can manage without me for a few days. Besides, you are not in your right mind right now. Please let me come with you. I want to make sure you are okey."

"Alright then."

Derek squeezes her once more and gives her a kiss on her temple before they head over to the principals office. Meredith explains the situation and she is granted as many days off as she needs. The principal questions why Derek needs to go too but they just tell him Meredith needs some support sinds she has to fly all the way to Boston. They want to keep whatever it is that's going on between the two of them a secret until they figured it out themselves.

They head over to their houses to pack some bags and than head over to the airport. They manage to score two seats on the next plane out to Boston. When they finally board the plane they take their seats and tears form in Meredith's eyes again.

"Are you okey?" Derk asks in a soft and caring voice.

"Yes I just- she has to be okey."

"It will we okey Mer. She will be okey." Derek puts an arm around her. She fall into his side and puts her head on his shoulder, snuggling into him. She is tired from all the emotions the past couple of hours so as soon as her head hits his shoulders she closes her eyes and falls asleep. Derek holds her tight, not wanting to let her go.

Meredith sleeps for the entire flight. At some point she started to stir and move. At that point her head fell on Derek's lap and she laid across both of their chairs. Derek grabbed his coat and put it underneath her head, make sure she was still comfortable.

The plane was about to land so Derek decided to wake Meredith up. He gently ran his hand through her hair and kissed her on her cheek. She slowly woke up and sat up straight again.

"Hi sleepyhead" Derek chuckles

"Hi" she says in a groggy voice.

"We are just about to land."

They leave the plane and walk over to the luggage claim. Meredith is not acting like herself. She is very tired and sad. Her mom has to be okey. Even tho they might not have the best bond, it's still her mom.

Derek takes her hand in his. She slightly smiles up at him. They claim their luggage and take a cab to a hotel nearby.

"Have you had the chance to book us both a room?" He asks her. She shakes her head. Everything went so fast she totally forgot about a hotel room.

"It's okey. I'm sure they have some rooms left."

They arrive at the hotel and walk up to the front desk. They ask the lady behind the desk if they have any rooms left. She looks in the system and they are almost completely booked. There is only one room left.

"It's fine Derek. I am so tired I need to sleep. Now."

They take the last available room and head up to go to bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch. I don't mind." Meredith says.

"Are you crazy. I am going to sleep on the couch of course. You just take the bed."

"No Derek please. You have come all this way for me so at least let me sleep on the couch."

"No. I am sleeping on the couch end of discussion. I don't want to hear another word about this okey?" he says with a chuckle and a smile.

"Okey I guess..."

Meredith changes into her pyjama's and Derek changes into pyjama bottoms, no shirt. Meredith's eyes linger on his perfect body for a second, causing him to chuckle. Derek walks up to her and puts her in bed. He wraps the blankets tightly around her and kissed her in the lips and once on the hair before they both lay down and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.

Meredith fell asleep very quickly but Derek had more of a struggle. The couch wasn't that comfortable but besides he kept thinking about Meredith. He sat up straight and looked at Meredith. She was so peaceful and beautiful when she slept. He feels so sorry for Meredith and if he could take away het pain he could but right now the only thing he can do for her is just being there for her. Comforting her and holding her when she needed him.

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