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"Look at those two. They must be so exhausted." Ellis point at the couple sleeping in the hospital bed. 

"I bet they are. Derek told me he has been awake sinds this morning. I am glad he finally fell asleep." Carolyn says. 

"It's 11pm. Maybe it's better to give them their rest. Liam will be released first thing in the morning so they will need their sleep for the upcoming days" Thatcher smiles. 

"I thinks that's for the best." Ellis says and places Liam in his crib. She moves the crib right next to the bed Derek and Meredith are snuggled up in. The brand new grandparents quietly walk out of the room and leave the new family to rest. The talks some more in the parking lot in front of the hospital before they separate ways and head to their hotels. 

*Next morning*

 "Good morning baby" Meredith whispers softly in Derek's hair. His head is resting on her chest while Meredith's hand is tangled up in his hair.  They have been asleep sinds last night but now they woke up to Liam's cries. It's only 6am but they are both well rested and ready to take Liam home. 

"Good morning honey" Derek kisses Meredith and slides out of bed. "And good morning to you too, little one" He smiles and lifts Liam up. He presses a small kiss to his forehead and hands him to Meredith. She undoes the front of her hospital gown and takes one boob out. Liam quickly latches on and the cries turn down. 

"Are you ready to finally go home? I can't wait for Liam to see his home, his room...everything" Meredith smiles. 

"Me too. The nurse will be here around 8 and then I can finally take the two of you home. I already informed principal Hopkins so everything is taken care of." 

"Thank you baby." Meredith smiles as she burps Liam. "Can you please take him? I really have to go to the toilet" 

"Of course. Come here little man, time to spent some time with your daddy" Derek makes a funny face to Liam and his eyes light up. 

Meredith moves to the bathroom and sits on the toilet. She takes a pee while she lets everything set in. She had a baby last night, Derek's baby. He is so small and has the most beautiful green eyes. The small patch of dark, curly hair on top of his head is too cute and the way he holds her finger...

"Baby. You good in there?" She hears Derek through the door. "You've been in there for over 15 minutes. 

"I'm fine baby, don't worry." Meredith says while walking out of the bathroom. "Come here" She smiles and pulls Derek closer to her. She wraps her arms around his neck and covers his lips with hers. She slides her tongue gently inside his mouth and slightly moans at his taste. He smiles against her lips and deepens the kiss before pulling away softly. 

"What was that for?" He smiles. 

"Just...you. Being you" She giggles and cuddles up in his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you to Mer. So much" 

They stay in each others arms until Liam needs their attention again. Derek walks to the crib and picks him up, gently rocking him in his arms. The cries quiet down and turn into small whimpers.  

A nurse enters the room and hands them a few forms. "These are your discharge papers. I'll be back soon and if everything is okey you are free to go home" The nurse smiles. 

"Thank you" Derek takes the papers from her hand and starts working on them while Meredith gives Liam yet another feed. "God that boy is hungry" Derek chuckles. 

"Definitely my son" Meredith giggles. 

The nurse comes back and takes the discharge papers. The family is now free to leave. Derek packs all of their stuff and Meredith changes Liam into a cute onesie she packed for him. The onesie is dark green and filled with squirrels. Meredith puts black socks on his feet and a hat on his head. It's cold outside so it is important to keep him warm. The outfit looks adorable on him.

"Are you ready to go honey?" Derek looks over his shoulder to Meredith. She is placing Liam in his baby seat and hands him to Derek. 

"Yes, ready to finally go home" She walks out of the room with her bag in her hand. Derek quickly follows. He holds Liam in his left hand and grabs Meredith's hand with his right. Together they leave the hospital, happy and ready to start their new family. 

*Home, finally*

"Welcome home Liam!" Meredith holds Liam up in her arms, showing him around the house. "This is the kitchen. Your daddy is an excellent cook so expect to eat delicious meals" She giggles. "And this is the living room" She says while walking inside the living room and taking place on the couch. "Here you can play, read, watch tv... You can do everything you want in here". She walks up the stairs, still holding him in her arms. "Than we have the bathroom and finally the bedrooms. This is your mommy and daddy's bedroom. You can always come in here and crawl in our bed. And finally, your own room. I hope you like it, your daddy spent a lot of time and energy on it." Meredith smiles widely as she looks at the nursery in front of her. 

"Yes I did, and you love it don't you?" Derek smiles while stroking Liams cheek with his finger. Liam reaches out and wraps his tiny hand all around his finger. "Yes you do" Derek smiles widely.  "Yes you do"

"Maybe we should lay Liam in bed. He must be exhausted form all the new impressions today. Besides, I think I can use some relaxt time as well" Meredith yawns. 

"I think that's for the best. Can you put Liam to bed? I have to do something really quickly" 

"Of course baby. I'll be downstairs in a second."

"Thank you honey. Love you." He kisses Meredith. "And I love you too, little man" He smiles and kisses Liams forehead before walking out of the room.

"Alright little man. Are you going to be a good boy and go to sleep? Mommy would love for you to be a good boy today. Mommy and daddy love you so much but you wore us out quit well. We love having you here, finally, in our arms but it takes a lot of energy. Energy we want to give you, but in order to do so we need our rest, you understand?" 

Liam looks up at Meredith with wide eyes. She watches him for a little while. She can see his eyelids becoming heavy and slowly closing. He is fighting it but eventually he gives up and falls asleep. Meredith smiles and stays in the nursery a little longer, watching her perfect baby boy sleep. 

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