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Dereks POV

I drive home after dropping off Meredith. I can still feel the sensation of her lips on mine. She is so beautiful, and wonderful, and kind, and... urgh. I can't believe we met not that long ago and only went out once, well twice if you count the 'friendly' date, and I already have such strong feelings for her. God I want to date her, like actually be in a relationship with her. But what if she doesn't feel the same about me? I don't know. I just have to put this thought out of my mind and see how everything goes.

*Next Monday*

I drive up to school. I don't have to teach for another 2 hours but I like to do a work-out first. I head up to the gym and change into some sports clothes. Today I want to focus on my upper body so I'm thinking about lifting some weights. I walk up to the weights and the room is completely empty. This is my absolute favorite moment of the day. I can really clear my head and forget for a while.

After I finish my work-out I head to my private shower. I strip out of my clothes and take place under the streaming water. I really try not to but my mind can't help but to think about Meredith. I wonder what she is wearing today... He can feel something....happening... to him so he shakes the image of Meredith doing, well actually anything really, out of his head and steps out of he shower. He drys himself off and put on some fresh clothes. He walks over to his office and starts his workday.

There is a knock on my door. "Come in" I shout, expecting it to be one of my students wanting something from me again. I am not really in the mood for any needy students so I keep looking down at the work in front of me.

"Hey Derek"

My head shoots up. I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Hey, Mer. What's going on?"

"Well It's almost lunchtime and I was wondering if you wanted to gab lunch together? I know this place on the corner of the street."

"Sounds good! Im starving"

"Okey great, come and find me when you're ready"

"Im done, lets go"

No ones POV

They walk up to the lunchroom on the corner of the street. They take place at a table and order their lunch.

"I am going to go to the toilet real quick."

"Allright" Derek answers.

Meredith goes to the toilet and when she is about to walk back to the table she gets a text from Lexie.

"Hey Mer, where are you? I came to school to see you because I have to ask you something about the wedding but you're not here."

"Im out for lunch with Derek. I'll come over after work. We haven't seen each other in a while and it would be nice to catch up anyway." She sends back

"A lunchdate with Derek? Okey I'll see you after work and you better tell me all the tea about you and Derek."

Meredith rolls her eyes and leaves the message on read. She walks back to the table and the food is already waiting for them. They start eating their lunch and talk about their day. They enjoy their time together and when they finished and paid their food the lunchbreak is almost over. They walk back to school and Meredith lightly brushes her hand over his hand before taking his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. She walk hand in hand back to school and just before they reach the gates they disconnect. Derek walks Meredith to her classroom and Meredith looks around making sure nobody can see them before giving him a quick peck on the lips. Derek deepens the kiss af bit before pulling away and walking off to his own office.

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