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*Sunday morning, the day of the wedding*

Meredith's POV

"Mer, wake up! Come one!" Lexie was shaking me awake. Last night I spent the night at her apartment. Yesterday we finished the final preparations for the wedding. Lexie was very excited but also nervous. I tried to talk the nervousness out of her but nothing seemed to help. I even let her call Mark but even he couldn't seem to calm her down. By the evening she fell into a complete nervous breakdown but luckily she fell asleep and now she is jumping up and down next to my bed. 

"Uhhhr" I groan. I didn't get much sleep last night. "Lex, it's 7am"

"I know. It's my wedding day! I'm going to get married today!"

I get out of bed and get dressed in some sweats. We have breakfast together and before we know it, it's time to leave. I grab my keys and jacket and we head out the door. We brought everything we needed over to the wedding venue yesterday. Now we just have to make it in time. The wedding starts in 3 hours so we really need to be going. 

"Come one Lex. We'll be late" I drag her out of the house and down to my car. We drive to the wedding venue and walk inside. We go inside the dressing room and we meet the other bridesmaids there. After an hour of doing make-up and hair the only thing left for us to do is get changed into our dresses. 

I pull the beautiful bridesmaids dress over my body and let it slide down my sides. The other bridesmaids get dressed as well and we touch up our hair. Only Lexie is left undressed. 

"So, you nervous?" Callie, one of the other bridesmaids asks. 

"I was. Yesterday I had a complete freakout but Mer talked me out of it and now I am just really, really excited." She smiles widely. 

"that's amazing Lexie" Callie answers. 

There's a knock on the door. I go to answer it and I slightly open the door to see who's there. It better not be Mark because he can't see Lexie this close before the wedding. I look through the small opening and I see a pair of familiar blue eyes staring down at me. I smile up and slip through the door. 

His eyes widen when he sees me. "God, Mer. You look absolutely beautiful" He gasps

"Thank's Der. You are looking not too bad yourself." I blush and give him a quick kiss. 

"Is Lexie almost ready? How is she doing?" 

"She's fine. She had some nerves yesterday but today she seems totally fine. She can't wait to marry Mark. How is he doing anyway?"

"Mark's not so good. He seemed fine this morning but sinds we arrived here he has been super nervous. Even more nervous than when he proposed to her. He called me that evening to tell me he was going to do it and his voice kept shaking." 

"Wow I didn't expect Mark to be this nervous. He seemed so cool about all this." 

"Yeah I don't know. I've tried all kind of things to calm him down but nothing seems to work. I was coming to find you to see if you can maybe try?"

"Yeah sure. Let's go. The other bridesmaids will take care of Lexie"

Derek and I walk over to Mark's room. He is pacing up and down and mumbling something to himself. It's too soft for us to hear but I can see in his eyes he is questioning himself. 

"Mark, Hey. You okey?" I slowly walk up to him and place my hand on his arm. He looks at me with fear in his eyes. 

"This was a horrible idea. I can't marry Lexie. She is amazing, maybe too amazing. I will be a terrible husband and I can't do that to Lexie. I can't marry her, I just can't." He sits down and I can see a tear flowing over his cheek. 

"Mark. Lexie is in the other room bouncing up and down because she is so excited to marry you . She can't wait! You really don't have to worry about not being a good husband. I've seen how you have treated Lexie over the past couple of years and I can only dream of one day having a husband as good as you." I smile and give him a gentle hug. I look him in the eyes and I can see his smile coming back. 

"Thanks., Grey." He smiles and whips his eyes with the back of his hand. He stands up and straightens his suit out. "I'm ready. Lets get married"

I walk past Derek and flash him a smirk. He looks at me in disbelief. "How can I try to calm him down for two hours with no succes and as soon as she comes in he is all ready within 5 minutes?" he thinks to himself. He shakes his head and follows me and Mark out the room. 

"I'm going to get Lexie and the rest and then we can start. Mark go and take your place and your beautiful bride will come walking down the aisle soon enough." 

Derek and I get Lexie and the other bridesmaids. we walk to the start of the aisle and the ceremony can start. The music is playing and Derek and I are the first to go. I wrap my arm around Derek's and we walk. When all bridesmaids and groomsmen arrive, 'Bridal Chorus' starts to play and Lexie and my dad walk down the aisle. 

I look at Mark and I can see a tear appearing in his eye. I smile at him and nod. He nods back and his smile grows even wider. Lexie almost reaches the bottom steps op the altar and Mark takes her hand. They walk back up and the ceremony continues. 

While the officiant talks I only have eyes for Derek. We are standing right across from each other and he keeps flashing me smiles and smirks. My heart starts to race and I can't help but imagine us standing here for our wedding. I am so lucky I found him. It's only been a couple of months but I can't imagine a life without him. 

*After the wedding, during the after party*

I walk back from the bathroom when I suddenly hear a supply closet door open. An arm pulls me in and pushes me against the door. Someone kisses me hard and only then I notice it's Derek. I can tell by the piercing blue eyes and the wild black curls on top of his head. I kiss him back, slipping a tongue inside his mouth along the way. 

"Hmm... Derek" I mumble as I pull away. "Derek... stop. We can't do it in a supply closet at the wedding!" I mumble in between kisses.

"Yes we can. We can do it in a supply closet at the wedding" He mumbles back. He moves his hands up my dress and before I know it the dress slides off my body straight onto the ground. I quickly unbutton his shirt and pull his pants off. We undress each other and without any warning he slips into me. 

He starts thrusting hard, the back of my head keeps hitting the door. He puts his hand behind my head to keep it from banging but keeps his hard and fast thrusts coming. He kisses me eagerly and I kiss back. God this feels good. I move one hand down and start rubbing my clit. I moan into his mouth as he keeps thrusting. My walls tighten around his member and I can feel him starting to twitch inside me. We release at the same time and the cum is filling me up completely. 

"God, Der. That was-"

"So good" He cuts me off and holds me up. "Can you stand?" 

"Yeah I'm good." He puts me back down and pulls out of me. We quickly start dressing up again and I straighten my hair out. "Do I have sex hair?" 

"If I did my job right" He smirks. 

I roll my eyes and move my hands through my hair making it at least decent. I then move my hands through his hair and I bring it back into model. He smiles at me and kisses me. 

"Best quicky ever" He whispers in my ear. 

I smile and nod in agreement. It really was amazing. Every time I have sex with Derek it feels amazing. 

"I'll go out first and then you can follow a minute later. We don't want people to see us. They'll know straight away." 

He smirks but agrees. I slip out of the closet first and walk back to the party. He quickly follows and we enjoy the rest of the evening drinking and dancing. 

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