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I walk down the stairs. I am scared. Who in gods name can be in my house right now? It's 9pm and besides, who has the key to our house? I reach the bottom step and I stare into a pair of familiar eyes...


"Derek, sweetheart. Come here" She reaches out for me and pulls me into her arms. She hugs me tight and I hug her back.

"I- what are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"The wedding of your brother is in two day's. I took an earlier flight but my hotelroom isn't available yet. I  didn't want to interrupt Mark and Lexie's final night together as engaged couple."

"That's probably for the better" I chuckle. "I'm glad you're here, I am. But I wished you would have given me a heads up or something." 

"It's fine Derek. You don't have to clean the house for me. And I have my own key so you don't have to worry about that either" She smiles at me.

"I know. Its just- it's not that." 

"Derek" a small and soft voice calls for my at the top of the stairs. She slowly walks down the stairs, wearing one of my shirts. It's way too big for her so it fall over her ass. She isn't wearing any pants but the baggy shirt hides her figure.

"Oh, sorry." Mom chuckles. "I didn't want to interrupt anything" 

"No. You didn't" I chuckle nervously. Of course she definitely did interrupt a mind blowing orgasm but I'm not going to tell my mom that. "Mer, come here." I stick my hand out and she grabs it. "Mer, this is my mother" I introduce her. "And mom, this is-"

"Meredith?" She interrupts me.

"Mrs. Shepherd, hi" Meredith greats my mom. 

"You two already know each other?" 

"Yeah, we het at Mark's engagement party. You're Lexie's sister, right?' 

"Yes, I am. It's good to see you again." She shakes mom's hand but mom pulls her in for a hug. 

"Shepherds hug, dear." She gives Meredith a warm smile. "And call me Carolyn, mrs. Shepherd makes me feel old" She laughs.

"I-Okey. I'm going back upstairs if you don't mind."

"No of course not. I'll see you soon." I kiss her briefly and she walks back up the stairs again going back to our bedroom. 

"Derek!" My mom hits my arm as soon as we hear the bedroom door close. "You are sleeping with Meredith?! She's your future sister in law's sister!"

"I know, mom, I know. But I'm not just sleeping with her. I'm... It's- I love her mom. I love her and she loves me and..."

"Derek calm down." Mom places her hands on my shoulders to stop me from pacing. "As long as you both have thought about it. Meredith seems like a lovely girl and as long as you're happy, I'm happy" 

"I am mom, and she is. She really is." I smile widely at the thought of the amazing girl who's currently laying upstairs in my bed. Our bed. 

"Mom. I have to tell you something."

"What, Derek?" I can see her head rushing. "Meredith...she's not pregnant, is she?!" 

"No, god no. I hope not." I chuckle. "Meredith and I, we have been dating for a while now. And sinds a few weeks we live together." I smile. 

"That's great Derek. I'm happy for you." She gives me another hug. "I wish you had told me sooner. I would have loved to meet her earlier." 

"I know you do. It's just been very busy lately. First her mom got sick and then we needed a break so we went to the house in Greece. And when we got back we had to dive right back into work."

"I get it sweetheart. I'm glad I got to meet her now." 

Mom moves to the kitchen and I bring her luggage upstairs to the guest bedroom. On my way back I quickly go past Meredith. I quietly open the bedroom door and sneak inside. 

"Hey" Meredith is sitting straight up in bed reading a book. 

"Hey" I give her a kiss and slightly deepen it. "I'm going to spend some time with my mom. I haven't seen her in a while. Don't wait up, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight" She kisses me once more before turning back to her book.  

"Goodnight" I say one last time before leaving the room and going downstairs. 

I get back downstairs and I find my mom cleaning some stuff. She already made us some tea and  she grabbed a cookie for the both of us. 

"Mom, what are you doing? You don't have to clean"

"I know I don't have to, I want to." 

"No, please. I am perfectly capable of doing it myself."

"I now dear. I am just your mother. It's what we do" She smiles. 

"Come sit down. We haven't seen each other in ages. What's going on with you? How are my sisters?"

"They are good Derek. You really should talk to your sisters more. They told me you haven't talked in a long time. Amelia misses you." 

"I know mom. I will definitely call them soon, promise"

"Good. Now tell me about Meredith. She must be a pretty special girl if you took her to the summer house. You have never brought a girl with you to the summer house."

"She is amazing mom." A wide smile forms on my face. "She is smart, pretty, funny and so much more. She works at the same place I work at. She is a biology teacher and she is pretty good at it. She is from Boston and her parents still live there. As you know Lexie is her sister, well actually half sister. They share the same father. She doesn't have any other siblings."

"That all sounds amazing dear. How long have the two of you been together?" 

"Well it started when I came here for work but we have been dating for about 3 months." 

"That's great Derek." 

"Thanks mom. I'm glad you think so." 

My mom starts to yawn. She must be tired from all the traveling. Luckily the guest bedroom is all set so she can go to bed straight away. 

"Mom do you want to go to sleep? The bed is all ready"

"Yes, dear thank you. This traveling has tired me out." 

I lead her up the stairs and to the guest bedroom. "Goodnight mom" I give her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Goodnight sweetheart" she kisses my cheek back and moves inside. 

I walk to my bedroom and slip inside. I try to stay as quiet as possible because Meredith fell asleep in the meantime. I gently take her book out of her hand and place it on the nightstand. I slip behind her in the bed and pull her closer to my body. She unconsciously rolls over and puts her head on my chest. I sigh in peace and close my eyes. 

Everything is going great. 

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