Happy Birthday

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"Please!" She begged her husband. "Please! You can't do this! He's our son!"

"I'm sorry my Love... but we have to... for our Kingdom."

There was a legend that said in the dark forest of the south that was full of vicious monsters, resides the river of night that the moon God favored, that you may ask a wish upon in exchange for something that you love.

The King of the poorest kingdom, now stood by the edge of a high cliff and under him was the river in the legends. He held out his hands, where a small crying baby rested beyond the edge. The Queen screamed for him to stop, begging him to not throw away their son, their first and eldest son as she cradled another baby in her hands that was crying as hard.

"I am sorry, my son..." He dropped the baby and the Queen quickly rushed at the edge, crying for her lost child that was engulfed by roaring waters. " I hope you forgive me someday..." He looked down as tears fell down his face.

For the past 8 years, the poorest Kingdom has started to thrive and has finally gained power that led it to be one of the most prosperous and powerful Kingdoms. The once withered Kingdom was now growing and blooming into something beautiful. Befriending other Kingdoms, forming alliances, and building bonds.

It is now the young Prince's 7th birthday and the whole Kingdom has prepared a week-long festival to celebrate. People from all around have come to see the Prince for his first appearance to the public. Other Royalties from other Kingdoms also came to meet the precious treasure of the Inarizaki Kingdom.

"Mother..." A boy came into the Queen's chamber. He walked in and saw a beautiful woman sitting by the window, her silver long hair gracefully dancing with the wind as she hummed the most sweet and soft melodies he had ever heard. "Mother..." The woman turned to the boy and smiled at him. She opened her arms and he gladly went into them.

"My little kit..." She kissed his forehead and he looked at her beautiful honey gold eyes. "Happy birthday my Love." And the little boy beamed.

"Are you not getting ready, Mother?" He had pleading eyes. "The people are already waiting for us." But the Queen's smile disappeared and the little boy looked down in disappointment, he knew this would happen but was it too much to hope for his mother to celebrate at least one birthday with him? Was it too much to ask to have her by his side on his special day? "Mothe- -"

"Son..." The boy turned to see his Father come in. "It's time..." He turned to his Queen who was looking out the window again, his eyes full of sadness and longing. He looked like he wanted to say something but he just bit his lips. "Let us go..." He turned to his son again with a small smile. He held out his hand for the boy to take.

And with one last look, the boy got a glimpse of his gentle and beautiful mother, shed a tear as her bitten lip quivered.

The King and Prince walked hand in hand through the halls of their glamorous castle. They stopped in front of a huge curtain where they could hear the announcer from the other side of it. The little Prince felt his Father squeeze his hand and he looked up at him.

"Happy birthday, my son." The boy froze. It was barely a whisper but he heard him. His father's small voice sounded so sad and devastated. For the first time, he saw his strong, confident, and proud Father that was adored and loved by everyone, looked so defeated. He stared at the tall man beside him when the King finally realized his son was looking up at him, he stared at him before giving the Prince a small smile.

And that is when the boy realized the greeting wasn't for him. "Fa- -"

"And now! We finally introduce the pride and joy of the Inarizaki Kingdom! The first born of King Hiruki Miya and Queen Hana Miya..." The curtains open to this huge balcony, overseeing the whole Kingdom. The King and Prince made their way to the edge to greet their people. "We present to you, Prince Osamu Miya!" 

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