For Me?

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Osamu raised an eyebrow, waiting for a second. "That's it?" He finally asked. "Yes, your Majesty... I am only an orphan and commoner, I do not have a family to be given a family name." The Prince felt pity on the poor boy. "Why do you wear a mask?"

"Because I am hideous." He answered instantly which surprised everyone. Osamu just stood there, not expecting the boy's answer. "If I had made the Prince uncomfortable in some way or have I offended you, I would gladly accept any punishment you may see fit." He lowered his head again. The Prince didn't know why, but he felt something different with this boy.

"Atsumu." He looked up at the Prince. "Starting today, you shall be my personal aide."

"Yes, my Prince." He bowed again.

It has been a month since the Prince was finally introduced to the public and announced as the crown Prince of the Kingdom. Osamu's once lonely childhood was now replaced with something more enjoyable because for the first time, he had friends to talk to now, exchange letters, and he has a Kiyoomi Sakusa, his best friend that was just always making his everyday a lot better than it already was.

Being a Prince was never easy for Osamu but for him, whenever he was with Kiyoomi, he felt like he was just another normal boy. As for Kiyoomi, being the son of a Duke, they would often visit the Inarizaki Kingdom for political purposes.

"Kiyo!" Osamu beamed when he saw his friend enter the palace. He ran to him and gave him a hug but after a second he still didn't let go. "You know, when someone hugs you, you hug back..." He looked up at the dark haired boy.

"I'm good." He just patted the Prince's head but that just made him pout and whine.

"My Prince..." He bowed, the two boys turned to the masked one. "Oh... Sir. Kiyoomi is here as well." Osamu finally let Kiyoomi go. "The head maid has asked me to inform you that lunch is ready." They made their way to the dining room and the two started eating while Atsumu stood by the corner, awaiting his next orders.

"Oh! I almost forgot something!" Everyone jumped in surprise when the Prince just yelled and got off from his seat. Atsumu was about to stop him but he was already out the door, leaving the two dumbfounded in their place. After a few minutes, Osamu came running back with a small box in his hands. He happily put it in front of Kiyoomi who just looked at it. "It's a gift Kiyo!" He giggled. "Just open it!" He rolled his eyes.

Kiyoomi hesitantly took the box and opened it. Inside was a handkerchief with the initials OnK on it. He furrowed his eyebrows then looked at the Prince who was blushing so much, he sighed. "Thank you, your Majesty." Osamu beamed.

After eating, Osamu dragged Kiyoomi to the garden while Atsumu followed them. The masked boy took out a blanket and neatly laid it on the grass and there, they talked about anything and everything.

"My Prince..." They turned to Atsumu. "Would you like for me to get you some snacks?"

"That would be great, Atsumu... I was getting kind of thirsty to be honest." He had a small smile and Osamu saw that and he felt a bit weird in his chest. Atsumu bowed and was about to leave.

"No!" Osamu stopped him. "I'll get it!" Atsumu was about to protest but Osamu was already gone, leaving the two dumbfounded again.

Kiyoomi sat alone on the blanket, staring at the beautiful pond while Atsumu stood a little further from the back. The young Duke was getting uncomfortable and was just hugging his knees.

"Your, Grace..." Kiyoomi turns to see Atsumu kneeling just outside the blanket. "I may be imposing, but is there something I could help you with to make you a little comfortable?" That caught him off guard, he did not expect that from him. This was the first time Atsumu was talking to him deliberately.

"No, I'm fine... it's just- - " He looked around. For so long he had been criticized and judged because he was... different... he didn't know why or how, but he just really hated being touched or anything dirty even though it looked clean. He felt like there was always something crawling up his skin and he hated the feeling.

"Will this help?" Kiyoomi looked at the small hands in front of him and on top of it was a small bottle he had never seen before. "It's a small spray bottle..." But the little Duke was still confused. "It's filled with disinfectant alcohol."

"Why?" Was all he could say, still intrigued by the small bottle.

"Everytime I see his Grace, you look a bit uncomfortable... and whenever you touch or use something, you should always clean it first even though it has already been cleaned." Kiyoomi finally looked at the masked boy who was looking down. "S- - so I went out of my way to think of a way to make you at least a little comfortable even when you don't come over..."

"You're not weirded out?" He just had that stoic look that didn't leave the blonde and Atsumu just shook his head. Kiyoomi took the little bottle and just studied it for a while before pressing the top part, letting it spray alcohol on his hands. His eyes widened with sparkles. "Where did you get this?" But the blonde didn't look up.

"I- - I was walking around the vi- - village one day and saw this perfume shop. For a while I just stared at those perfume bottles that had those round things to squeeze and thought, there must be a more convenient way to use those... So I- - I asked around some craftsmen and ended up with that design..."

Kiyoomi was once again surprised. "You did all of that... for me?" He could see Atsumu's ears turn red as he shook his head yes. He chuckled as he thought of how adorable the masked boy was in front of him right now. "Thank you." He smiled.

At night, Itachiyama Kingdom, Kiyoomi was on his bed, thinking of a certain blonde boy. No one has ever done something like this for him before. And whenever he would bring up the topic of his 'difference' people would just look at him weird even his parents told him that it was just all in his head. But once he really acted up and he got a good beating from his Father for embarrassing him. But he felt different with Atsumu. He's seeing the blonde in a different light and he was stunning in Kiyoomi's eyes. He held up the little bottle he got from Atsumu and just stared at it. He smiled. "I like it."

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