Unfortunate Events

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Prince Motoya had suggested that they move their little gathering to the palace garden for bigger space and fresh air. The light brown haired Prince led the way and everyone started standing from their seats and following him. The little Duke of the Kingdom was about to turn to the door when a certain Prince of another Kingdom clinged onto his arm.

"Let's go, Kiyo!" Osamu beamed and started dragging Kiyoomi behind the others. "Wait, your Majesty! What about Ats- -" But the Prince only pulled him harder. "Don't worry about him, he'll follow us." But when the ravenette looked back at the blonde, he was looking down and looked like he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings.

They got to the garden and it was massive, beautiful. And looked like it came right out of a fantasy story book; just breath-taking. Prince Motoya toured everyone around the garden for about an hour before they rested by gazebo. The maids started bringing in some snacks and refreshments for everyone. Everyone started talking again, discussing news about their own Kingdoms, concerns and other stuff. Another half hour has passed by and The little Duke still hasn't seen Atsumu anywhere and that did not sit well with him, he didn't like it.

"What's wrong Kiyo?" The silver haired Prince put a hand on the ravenette's hand but Kiyoomi quickly pulled it away and sprayed alcohol on his hands which confused Osamu since he never did that before and the bottle was something new as well.

"Are you not concerned that your personal aide is nowhere to be found, your Majesty?" But the Prince only felt annoyed with the little Duke's concern.

"Now that you mentioned it," The two turn to Prince Motoya. "I think we're missing some people as well." He looked around.

"Oh no..." Everyone turned to the white haired beauty. "What's wrong Suga-san?" He rubbed the side of his head from frustration.

Sugawara Koshi, Grand Duke of Karasuno, cousin of Prince of Kageyama Tobio of Karasuno Kingdom.

"You know where they are, don't you, Suga-san?" He turned to the cold voice coming from the small Duke, which was surprising to everyone; he was scary and intimidating.

"Sakusa-kun, calm down." An olive haired boy stopped the ravenette. "I'm sure they're all alright." Ushijima Wakatoshi, noble Prince of Shiratorizawa Kingdom. "But can you please, explain your concern about the absent people right now?"

"From what I'm seeing right now..." Suga looked around again. "The people missing right now are Oikawa, Kuroo, and Bokuto..."

"Oh..." They turned to the quietest one, Kita-san; Duke of Inarizaki Kingdom. "Now, I finally understand the severity of your concern, Suga-san."

"Can someone please explain..." He was calm but Kiyoomi was losing patience with all these stallments. What did the three idiot Princes have to do with his Atsu?

"Those three headaches must've gone somewhere while taking Prince Osamu's aide... you know... kinda like adopting him to their weird family...." Duke Futakuchi Kenji of Date Tech Kingdom, groaned out in frustration.

"It couldn't be that bad, if Prince Osamu's aide is with three refine Princes, right?" Prince Wakatoshi asked. "Prince Kuroo is the top amongst us in intellect, Prince Bokuto is within the top 5 swordsmen in our continent, and lastly and not least, Prince Oikawa... him being called a young genius is not just for show and everyone knows that..." He looked a bit confused. "So why is everyone concerned?" He had his fingers on his chin, thinking.

"Do you remember the incident of the exploding carriage?" Duke Futakuchi asked the big boy.

"Or the incident about the biggest bridge being destroyed completely." Duke Kita added.

"Or the time when the forest of the East was almost burned down?" Grand Duke Suga added.

"Yes, those are all unfortunate events in just a short amount of time." Prince Wakatoshi answered, still not fully grasping the situation.

"Those unfortunate events were caused by those three refine Princes." Grand Duke Suga explained. "So, what do you think happens when those three are together again without ANY supervision?"

"Oh... OH..."The slow Prince finally got the picture. "I'm sorry for your loss..." He turned to Prince Osamu who was caught by surprise by his bluntness.

"That's it!" Kiyoomi stood. "I'm going to look for them." He was about to leave when guards came rushing in and surrounding the Princes and nobles. "What's the meaning of this?!" He demanded as he held onto his sword.

"We are sorry for the abrupt interruption of your gathering, your Grace. But we were informed of a wyvern attack just outside the Kingdom and the King ordered us to keep everyone safe until the royal knights defeats it or handles the situation. So until then, no one is to leave the palace."

"But some of our friends are still out there!" Prince Motoya yelled. "We have to find them!"

"Yes, the three Princes were already spotted by some civilians and are already being pursued by our knights led by Commander Ukai."

"Wait, they say the three Princes, what about a blonde boy?" Kiyoomi interrupted. "He- - he wore a fox-like mask, he was with the three Princes!" He tried to get past the guards but failed.

"Kiyo, calm down..." The silver haired Prince tried to pull on his friend's arm but was rejected.

"I have to go!" Kiyoomi demanded but everyone was stopping him.

"You can't! It's too dangerous!"

"We just have to let the knights do their jobs!"

"I said let me go!- -"

"What is happening?" They turned to see three boys walk in the garden.

"Yeah! You guys are being noisy..." The three were disheveled, dirty, and covered in blood!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Can we please get some towels?" He looked around.

Everyone was just staring at them, no one moved and no one said anything until Kiyoomi finally had it. The only person he was looking for wasn't beside them. He gritted his teeth and started charging at them.

"Where. Is. Atsu?!" He growled and the three flinched. "Yo- -"

"Everythin' happened... so fast..." A blonde boy finally walked in like he was in a daze. He was also disheveled, dirty, and covered in blood. But unlike the three, he looked more traumatized. Kiyoomi's anger subsided instantly upon seeing the masked boy. "Ye- -yer Majesty," He turned to Oikawa. "Ya- -ya said we were goin' ta have a good time..." He looked like he was scammed.

"Aww... that's cute! Tsumu-chan has an accent!" He hugged the blonde boy only to be glared at by the little Duke but he didn't care. "Don't look at me like that, Sak-kun!"

"Ew, don't call me that."

"Yeah, everything alright! We won't let Tsum-Tsum get hurt!" The owl boy said proudly.

"Your Majesties!" The guards finally interrupted followed by the other kids. "Are you hurt anywhere!?" The knight turned to his men. "Get the doctors now!" He ordered as he scanned for any injuries on the Princes.

"We're fine.- -" Kuroo tried to explain.

"What do you mean fine?! You're covered in blood!"

"Where have you been!?"

"As I was saying, we're fine." Kuroo continued. "This isn't our blood."

"What?" Duke Suga Asked while smiling, which terrified the three. "You know what, just shut up, the three of you." Then he turned to the mask boy who was being inspected by Kiyoomi. "You, ummm... the blonde one- -"

"His name is Atsumu." The little Duke sounded annoyed with Duke Suga but he let it slide.

"Atsumu." The pretty Duke tried again and the blonde looked at him, still a bit dazed. "Can you please tell us what happened?" But the young aide was silent for a minute, he looked at his bloody hands that were trembling and took something out the cloth that was wrapped around his back, putting it on the ground and unwrapping it.

"We killed a wyvern." He presented a piece of scale that was bigger than his back and everyone was silent. But beside Atsumu, the three chaotic Princes were grinning.

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