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 Tobio Kageyama, Prince of Karasuno Kingdom, second to Tooru Oikawa's genius. He is considered a tyrant for his cold demeanor and perfectionist ways. He knew that he was being hated by most people but he didn't care, he didn't let it get to him he just simply closed off his heart. He already accepted that he was going to be alone, there really wasn't anyone there who wanted to be with him nor he wanted to be with but all that changed. For the first time, he believed that there really is someone special out there for every person and now, he met his.

For the first time, Kageyama finally found someone who understood him, someone who was willing to stay by his side despite his personality. Hinata Shoyou only saw the best in him, he saw his greatness. The ginger didn't fear nor hated him, he challenged him which surprised him at first but now, only saw it as something so endearing and lovable.

Kageyama never left Hinata's side when the smaller male was still injured. He took care of him until he was able to stand, he took care of him until he was able to stand again. After 4 months of resting and rehabilitating, the taller male was finally watching his beautiful partner soar into the beautiful sky and the blueberry eyed male swears he could see how the harpy lights up the sky just by being in it.

"What do you mean you're going to give up the throne!?" Sugawara yelled at his packing cousin. "Wait, wait, wait!" He stopped Kageyama. "Please, let's sit down... tell me what's happening..." But the taller male hesitated. Sugawara Koushi was one of the few who truly understood him. He really admired his cousin because unlike him, he was kind, graceful,and loved by many but as much as he trusted him he couldn't possibly tell him about Shoyou but Sugawara put a hand on the latter's hand, giving him assurance. "I promise you, everything will be alright..." Kageyama finally caved in and took a deep breath. He told him everything .

"I just want to be with him..." He couldn't look at his cousin, waiting for his reaction or any scolding but his eyes widened when he felt a warm hug.

"I'm so happy that you finally found someone that makes you happy..." He smiled gently at the younger. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything here... and if something happens, I'll be here... no matter where you are or who you're with, this place will always be your home..." Without realizing it, the Prince has tears falling from his eyes. He hugged his cousin tightly.

"Thank you, Suga-san!"

Kageyama made his way into the forest to meet his little Boke but he felt anxious as each step he took, something wasn't right; he felt uneasy! He started running to where he was going to meet up with Hinata but when he got there, he saw the ginger tied up and surrounded by soldiers, rage came over his body and he quickly grabbed his sword but someone stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." He turned and saw the Prince of Inarizaki Kingdom.

"Why are you doing this?" Kageyama glared at the silver haired male that walked to his Boke. "Don't touch him!" He tried to struggle but he was tied up and held down by some soldiers. Osamu raised his sword to Hinata's throat. "OSAMU YOU BAS- -" His face was shoved to the ground where Osamu looked down on him but he turned to the harpy again.

"Where are the monsters?" He asked the ginger as the temperature started to slowly drop. Hinata only trembled, afraid but didn't want to endanger everyone. "I'll give you one more chance... where are the monsters?" And again, the harpy did not say anything. Osamu sighed and turned to his soldiers. "Beat him." Hinata's face went pale as his body shook uncontrollably. He closed his teary eyes, preparing for the worst but for a minute, nothing happened but when he opened his eyes, he saw the soldiers beating the life out of Kageyama.

"STOP!" He begged but no one listened to him. "PLEASE! STOP! YOU"RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" He watches as the man he loves takes all the punches and kicks of 6 people who were fully armed with iron suits. "TOBIO!" He cried.

"You can stop this..." The ginger turned to look up at Prince Osamu who was watching the brutal beating of Prince Kageyama with such cold eyes. Hinata bit his lips so hard that it bled, he cried as he cursed at the universe, he finally gave in. The moment the soldiers untied the harpy, he dashed to the half conscious Kageyama.

"To- - Tobio..." He lifted the taller male's head and rested it on his lap. "Sta- - stay with me... please..." He cried. "I- - I'll go get help!" He was about to go but Kageyama stopped him.

"Yo- - you're my home..." He said weakly. Hinata's heart melted, he smiled as he stared at the black haired male's blueberry eyes.

"And you are mine..." He rested his forehead on the latter's, smiling as they found bliss in each other.

"I love you..." Hinata giggled.

"And I love you..." He leaned down, gently kissing his Prince who gladly kissed back.

"Kill them."

Prince Osamu made his way through the halls of Itachiyama Kingdom, walking straight into Duke Sakusa Kiyoomi's office. He walked in without knocking which surprised the unexpected ravenette. The uninvited guest threw a map on Kiyoomi's desk.

"What's this?" He took the map, looking at it with confusion.

"It's where the monsters are hiding." Ever since the King and Queen of Inarizaki Kingdom died, their Prince had changed, he became what he was... cold.

"I do not mind lending you my men but on one condition." The Prince did not say anything. "I kill Kitsune." They had a stare down before the Prince turned his back.

"I do not care who kills it, I just want it's head by the time we finally eliminate every single one of them." He walked out of Kiyoomi's office. "We leave in 3 days." 

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