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 A huge celebration roared throughout the whole continent as the soldiers and warriors from wars came back. People cheered as the heroes held a long parade all over the continent. But soon everyone had to go home. Sakusa Kiyoomi now bowed in front of the proud King of Itachiyama Kingdom, his uncle smiled at him.

"Rise, my boy!" He beamed and Kiyoomi followed. "Now, tell me what is it you desire?" The King's eyes stared at the black obsidian that looked so fierce, he knew that his nephew would only grow to be more powerful than any legendary.

In another Kingdom, a certain King was panicking for the past 2 weeks since Atsumu escaped. He sent out guards, hunters, and professional trackers to find him but every one of them failed. Each day that passed where they haven't caught the blonde, problems after problems started plaguing the Kingdom. People started getting worried, asking their King for help, asking for a reason for what was happening but no answer from their ruler, he couldn't tell them his sin.

In the dead of night when everyone was asleep, Hiruki Miya, King of Inarizaki Kingdom was now sneaking out of his own palace and riding a horse off to where it all began. Now, he stood again by the edge of a high cliff, above the river of the legends that had saved his Kingdom once. He knelt down, bowing his head on the ground.

"Oh mighty God of the Moon, please..." He threw away his wedding ring into the river. "Guide me in saving my Kingdom once again... I'll do anything... please..." He waited, not lifting his head, for a while, nothing happened. He could only hear rustling from the forest, the wind howling at the trees but he was determined to get the answer he seeks.


The King looked up to see a small black, double edge dagger just inches away from him. "You offered your son to me for the rise of your Kingdom but now that he has returned my blessing must return as well..."

"But I already offered him to you! Why must I fix your mistake?!" The King knew that he was being rude and disrespectful, he knew that he was risking his life right now but he couldn't contain his anger, his guilt, and his despair. He already sacrificed a part of his life once and it cost him everything. His wife no longer acknowledges his existence, he is lying to his son, and everytime he looks at what he has left, he would always be reminded of the innocent baby boy that they gave life to only to be thrown away. Now that he knows that his child survived, he actually thought of having his family whole again, to bring back his beloved wife's smile, to make up for his sin to Atsumu, to make up for the lost time, to give the love he couldn't. "I- - I can't..." Hiruki Miya remembered when he saw Atsumu's face for the first time, he saw how he looked like Osamu but with more delicate features and their eyes were so different. Osamu has stormy gray eyes that always look fierce, cold, and unwavering while Atsumu has golden brown eyes that look soft like honey, gentle and warm like sunshine. Two differently identical people.

"Take that dagger and stab the curse child with it and you will save your Kingdom once again." The King took the dagger in front of him with shaky hands, he saw his reflection in the dark blade, he couldn't recognize the eyes that stared back at him.

"Wha- - Why must I kill my child once again?" He cried as he put the dagger down, looking at the moon with pleading eyes.

"Someone tricked me and hid your child for years... It was only 2 weeks ago that I was able to feel his existence that shouldn't be in your world."

Hiruki Miya fell to his knees, tears flooded out like a broken dam. It was his fault... Atsumu's mask was the one protecting him and he slapped it away. He's killing his son all over again all because he wanted to make Osamu happy. Until in the end, he couldn't give his other son the life he deserved. This was punishment for his sin, he will never be happy, he will never escape his past, and now he could do nothing to stop his pain in the future.

"Father..." King Miya looked up to see his son, worried all over his face. He looked around and saw that he was sitting in the abandoned garden of his palace. He couldn't remember when he got back nor when he got there. "What are you doing here?" Hiruki broke out from his confused daze and turned to look up at the top of the fountain where a figurine of the sun and moon rested, softening his gaze.

This garden was specially made when his Queen got pregnant, they wanted to dedicate it to their beautiful twins. Beautiful and rare flowers and plants were everywhere because they want only the best for them, they want their children to know and feel how much they love them but now, everything just wasted away. His Queen wouldn't even leave her room, everything and everywhere they went were just cruel reminders.

"I was just getting some fresh air..." He faked a smile to Osamu. "It's getting very late now," He stood and put a hand on his son's shoulder. "We should rest." Then he left. He walked mindlessly through the palace halls until his feet brought him to a familiar door. He sighed as he put a hand on the wood. He gently opened the door to see his beautiful wife sleeping. He slowly made his way towards her, sitting by the edge of the bed. He brushed away some stray strands of hair with his fingers, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty. He felt a tug in his heart, his eyes getting watery, he saw how much his Queen looks like Atsumu. He kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry I failed you..."

MiyaTwins//: Fox PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now