You Belong To Me

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It took a whole year for the Prince of Inarizaki Kingdom to finish his legendary training. Today, Osamu was finally coming home and he was excited especially when he got letters saying that Duke Sakusa' son visited often. He really missed Kiyoomi. On the way back to the palace, Osamu noticed some people gathered around. The Prince asked for the carriage to stop. He got off and went to the crowd and upon getting closer, he saw 3 grown men beating up a beggar boy, he felt his blood boil at the cruelty. Everyone fell quiet as the temperature dropped, they looked up and saw snow falling while the sun was still shining, that's when they noticed their Prince glaring at the sight. Everyone felt dread throughout their bodies, making them fall to their knees, lowering their heads in respect and fear.

"Yo- - Your Majesty..." The man's voice was shaking but the Prince ignored and walked towards the boy who was lying on the ground. "Yo- - your Majesty! Stay away from that boy! He's bad luck- -" But Osamu glared at the man, making him shut up.

The boy on the ground looked up at the Prince. His sleepy fox-like eyes met the beautiful stormy gray eyes of his savior. He was breathtaking, he thought, full of grace that radiated power. Simple nobles could never compare to royalty.

"Come with me." The boy on the ground gulped. The Prince plainly said those 3 words nonchalant but it made him feel submissive. A simple command that conveyed power. Now, they sat in the royal carriage with the Prince's order. "What's your name?" The boy flinched, not daring to look up, he fidgets with his fingers.

"Ri- - Rintarou..." He was able to answer.

"Last name?" Osamu raised an eyebrow at the boy who still didn't move from his seat.

"I- - I do not have one, yo- - your Majesty..." The Prince hummed in response.

The rest of the way, they sat in silence but when they heard horns blasting from outside, Rinrarou finally looked up and out the window to see the Inarizaki palace. The brunette had his face against the glass, too mesmerized at the view since it was his first time getting this close to it.

Entering the palace made the brunette a little uncomfortable. He knew he didn't belong there. He wanted to run back to the streets but he couldn't disobey the Prince, he DIDN'T want to disobey the Prince. He quietly followed the silver haired boy from behind not wanting to get too close. He didn't even notice that the Prince stopped in front of him, making him bump and fall on the floor. Rintarou's eyes widened as it dawned on him the great sin he had committed, he quickly knelt and slammed his head on the ground, begging for forgiveness.

"Kira..." The Prince called and a maid came running in. "Take Rintarou and clean him up while I go and greet Father and Mother." The maid bowed and took Rintarou away.

The brunette boy was confused about what was happening but he let things go their way, he let the maids fuss over him. He let them bathe him, dress him and groom him. After he was cleaned and properly clothed, Rintarou didn't look like a kid that was picked up on the streets, he actually looked nice and handsome. The poor brunette didn't have the heart to ask questions and only followed what he was told. That's why he was now standing in front of a huge door, alone. The maids only told him to wait. It took about 8 minutes before the doors finally opened to reveal the Prince. Rintarou quickly bowed and greeted him.

"I saved you." The brunette flinched. "Your life belongs to me." He looked up at the Prince who looked like a Deity compared to him. "You do as I say, do you understand?" Rintarou knew what that meant, he knew that he was just being used, he knew that with one word, the Prince could order him to take his own life. He was literally going to give away his life and freedom for someone else, he knew it was wrong and no one way to live but he slowly nodded his head. "Let's go." The Prince turned and his new servant followed.

They walked in silence as the Prince held his head high. The brunette stole glances at the Godly beauty beside him, he felt like he could worship the ground the Prince walked upon on. He practically pledged his life to a boy who looked like the same age as him but he knew how different they were.

Ice Prince was the new title given to the Prince of Inarizaki Kingdom. With his cold exterior and demeanor that was paired with his silver hair, his power didn't surprise anyone. But Rintarou froze as his eyes widened when the Prince's stormy gray eyes started to sparkle, his stoic face turned into a beaming smile, he finally looked like a normal human.

"Kiyo!" The Prince sounded so happy and cheerful. The brunette's eyes followed the excited running Prince that hugged an unsuspecting ravenette. Osamu pulled away from the little Duke and just stared at him lovingly. "I missed you." 

MiyaTwins//: Fox PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now